Hey, everybody; it’s Cutesie, the Cubs Fan Kitten!

  • Lawyer Ku

    Cutesie is becoming Ken’s pizza roll.

  • nekowolf

    Don’t drink the poison!

  • Mr. Rational

    It was good enough for Socrates…

  • Mr. Rational

    On an unrelated note, I think it’ll be amusing to see how many times Ken is forced to “kill” Cutesie over the course of a 162-game season. As a Cubs fan, it’ll make the losing easier to bear…

  • BeckoningChasm

    Cutesie can die seven more times I guess.

  • Wait, is Cutesie actually dying? I just figured he was being threatened with these objects, not being killed. Oh dear.

  • So far, I think, Cutesie is just contemplating these items. I mean, we are only two games into the season.

    He’s contemplating pretty hard, though.

  • TongoRad

    Or he could just take out his frustration another way-
    “Im in yer dugowt skratchin yer batz”

  • Ericb

    At this stage maybe this kitten -http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2006/01/11/cyclops_narrowweb__300x375,0.jpg – would be a more appropriate mascot for the Cubs.

  • Joe11

    Is Cutesie going to find a new way to kill himself everytime the Cubs lose? At this rate, he’ll run out of ideas by July. Heck, even South Park got sick of killing Kenny every episode by the 5th season, so they only kill him once in a while.

  • Well, there are loses and there are loses. Those of the last couple of days have been really, really bad. Indeed, the one yesterday was scarier than the one on Monday, because it exposed a lot more issue that might well plague us all year, and worse, have been plaguing us for years now with no end in sight.

  • Pip

    “it exposed a lot more issues that might well plague us all year, and worse, have been plaguing us for years now with no end in sight.”

    Does that include the whole not-scoring-as-many-points-as-the-other-team problems I’ve been hearing about for years, Ken? :-)

    And what’s with the kitten abuse? I’m sending you a link to Cuteness Overload.