Coolest Barbie evah!

I just bought one of these. They are on big discount ($49 MSRP) via an Amazon third party seller, and you can get one of these, with shipping, for only about $24. Pretty sweet. And remember, Christmas approaches…

Now to get that Blacula figure…

  • Ken! How could you do this? First it’s the Alfred Hitchcock Barbie (bought ironically), and then it’s presidential Barbie, and then it’ll be the limited edition 50’s rollerskating waitress Barbie with Hello Kitty embroidery…. And then you’ll have a whole wall devoted to Barbies in various international garb.

    It’s like I don’t even know you.

  • Ericb

    They need to make a Cthulhu Barbie.

  • Look, just because I put in pre-orders for the Shriveled Up Mrs. Bates Barbie and Ro-man Barbie…

  • fish eye no miko

    Ken sad: “Ro-man Barbie”

    Oh, that’s just wrong…
    (“To live the like Skip-per…”)

    How about “Grudge Barbie–watch her crawl down stairs as she goes after her latest victim!”
    Or, “Barbie re-enacts the famous scene from Carrie! (real blood not included)”
    Or “Alien 3 Barbie! Complete with Alien Queen embryo that fits inside Barbie’s chest!

  • roger h

    The first time I saw one of these I believe I made the joke that if you take her clothes off, she is Psycho (Marion Crane) Barbie.

  • Ro-Man Barbie is USELESS without the Al-ice auxiliary Barbie. Complete with auto-bondage action.

  • Brad

    Now if they can only bring out Mulholland Drive Barbie and Mulholland Drive Casey….

  • sandra

    Alien 3 Barbie? Well, Mattel did make a Pregnant Midge, complete with embryo in her belly ( and a wedding ring, so we know she’s not having sex outside of marriage), though they chickened out and stopped making it when somebody or the other objected.