Michael Bay, that is. Just watching the previews of his films, such as for the upcoming The Island, gives me a headache. I mean, no film should so blatantly rip off plot elements from Logan’s Run. (And it’s not like I’m overly picky–I’m considering seeing The Dukes of Hazzard, for instance, if the reviews don’t just suck.) However, he obviously appeals to a great many people.
In any case, what is sure to be Bay’s masterwork, a live-action film based on the old Transformers show–which I sure will less than meets the eye–has already claimed the July 4th weekend…in 2007!
Per RottenTomatoes.com: “DreamWorks head of distribution Jim Tharp stated, “Under the direction of Michael Bay, and with Steven Spielberg executive producing, we know that “Transformers” is going to be the kind of explosive action movie that is perfect for the height of the summer movie season. By staking our claim on the 4th of July, 2007, we ensure that we not only have the time to make this movie the way it should be made, but also to build excitement and awareness leading up to its release.” ”
I just hope you fans can wait two years for this epic to hit the screens.