Other studios are already scrambling in the aftermath.
This is a good article because it concisely clarifies the status of popular Marvel properties owned (at least currently) by other studios. Sony was already planning the next three (!) Spider-Man movies. However, this story from Variety on Fox and the Fantastic Four hit print but a couple of days after the Disney deal was announced. Obviously this must have been in the works on some level, but given the shark-like reputation of Disney’s lawyers, it’s quite possible that Fox wanted to dot all their i’s as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, here’s the latest story of Warner trying to get movies based on the characters of their subsidiary company DC up and running. Obviously Batman is in *very* good shape, but Warners never recovered from the Superman Returns debacle, and the relative failure of The Watchmen surely didn’t help any either. I see nothing here that makes me believe their dithering is going to change.
More likely, DC projects will be rushed out (ala Fox and the above noted Fantastic Four revamp) because of the recent lawsuit that saw DC losing the right to key elements of Superman’s origin story. Warners / DC still has rights to their in terms of movies, but only if they get another film out in the next several years.