Science confirms common sense approach on zombie apocalypse…

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Interesting, but my interest is tempered slightly by the fact that the guy has a question mark as part of his name.

  • Capt. Nemo

    Here is the actual article.

    I think your head explodes when you see the math that they ACTUALLY put in to this.

  • Capt. Nemo
  • Frightening thought for you all, given the recent spate of celeb deaths. What if the celebs came back as zombies?

    Zombie Michael Jackson… well, let’s be honest, we’ve seen that before.

    Zombie Farah Fawcett? Actually, I think they made that movie already.

    But Zombie Billy Mays? *shudders*

  • Anders S

    This tells me nothing that World War Z hasn’t already told me. Not to mention that Brooks Jr.’s president and VP were pretty similar to Obama/Biden, though that might be because Brooks’ president and Obama are both based on a mix of JFK and FDR.

    Cool article though.

  • Ericb

    You mean Michael Jackson wasn’t already a zombie for the past 15 years?

  • sandra

    I wish they’d make a movie of World War Z. It would have to be in the form of a documentary.

  • The power of this research lies in several places:

    1) it demonstrates mathematically that the assumptions of most zombie movies are, in fact, accurate – the zombies WOULD cause an apocalypse. Given the innacuracies of movie guys in the past, this is non-trivial.

    2) the research can be applied to other fields of interest. For instance, it works perfectly for the critters from the movie Alien – they infect humans on a one-on-one basis, and when killed don’t come back. Therefore, an infectino of Aliens would wipe us out. It is also applicable for the Thing, and the pod people all of whom infect us one at a time.

    I for one am thrilled to see science finally used in the service of hard, practical concepts.

  • bt

    “I wish they’d make a movie of World War Z. It would have to be in the form of a documentary”

    You’ll get your wish next year, as Brad Pitt’s production company has begun filming (I think) with Marc Foster directing a script from J. Michael Straczynski. I don’t think it will be a documentary though.

  • Gristle McThornbody

    This is what happens in Canada when it’s NOT hockey season.

    I love it.

  • Marsden

    Yeah, but JMS is off the project right now, they wanted to go in another direction. *shrugs*

  • Marsden

    Something else, what if the Zombieism affects all mammals? We could have Zombie cows running around destroying the food supply. Undead hamburgers!

  • P Stroud

    I am ready with a couple thousand rounds of 38 special. I fear Zombies not. My house and yard are surrounded by a 6 ft high brick wall and I can sit on my roof and pick them off.

    Since I live in Utah everyone else in the State is similarly prepared except for a handful of hippies who live in Park city. We fear zombies not. Notice that zombie movies are set in large cities where the general populace is unprepared and, frankly, not much above zombieism in the first place.

  • SuperVepr

    P Stroud is correct. Those of us that are armed and rural have a leg-up so to speak when the Z hits the fan.