Today’s passage from The Bridges of Madison County

P. 108

“Sounds, small unintelligible sounds, came from her mouth as she arched herself towards him.  But it was a language he understood completely, and in this woman beneath him, with his belly against hers, deep inside her, Robert Kincaid’s long search came to an end.

And he knew finally the meaning of all the small footprints on all the deserted beaches he had ever walked, of all the secret cargos carried by ships that had never sailed, of all the curtained faces that had watched him pass down winding streets to twilight cities.  And, like a great hunter of old who has traveled distant miles and now sees the light of his home campfires, his loneliness dissolved.  At last.  At last.  He had come so far–so far.  And he lay upon her, perfectly formed and unalterably complete in his love for her.  At last.

– Robert James Waller

Mr. Waller is the author of Bridges of Madison County, which sold over 50,000,000 copies to become one of the most successful books of the 20th Century. Mr. Waller has also written numerous other books, many of which sold several thousands of copies.

  • Ericb

    Was this novel inspired by that Robert Bly “Iron John” bs?

  • brandywine

    You should need a permit to write sex scenes.

  • joliet jake blues

    For some reason I read “curtained faces” as “curtained faeces” first time through, and it took a line or so to register in my brain that something was not quite right.

    If Bridges is porn for women, what the hell porn for men is the equivalent of it?

  • Patrick

    Other things he finally knew the meanings of: the light of the sun that never fell upon the earth, the sound of a tree that falls with nobody around, bridges that only charge tolls in one direction, and the infield fly rule.

  • No One of Consequence

    And he knew finally the meaning of the joke told to him at 3:04 PM this Thursday last, regarding a priest, a minister, and a rabbi.

  • Terrahawk

    If Bridges is porn for women, what the hell porn for men is the equivalent of it?

    Erotic French art house films.

    The only decent line in the whole thing is And, like a great hunter of old who has traveled distant miles and now sees the light of his home campfires, his loneliness dissolved.

    He also understood why his computer kept crashing when he tried to start Word.

  • Marsden

    He also understands how Uwe Boll can keep getting film projects.

  • Ericb

    “And he knew finally the meaning of all the small footprints on all the deserted beaches he had ever walked”

    Vi’s ghost was following him around to avenger her murder.

  • “…he understood all the unbottled soda fed to thirsty pigs that had never been sired, all the plans from outer space that had never been numbered, the point where ‘must’ and cannot’ meet on the graph.”

  • And Ericb wins the Obscure Reference of the Month award.

    It’s a BIG one.

  • Kirk

    If there was ever a book in dire need of an unstoppable, masked, homicidal manic that kills people who are basking in the afterglow, it’s this one.

    The Nightmare on the Bridges of Thirteenth County X

  • Reed

    I’m almost starting to understand the cut of this man’s gibberish.

    The protagonist of the book is all the ships that ever sailed.

    He knew the meaning of all the secret cargoes carried by ships that never sailed.

    It’s obviously a metaphor contrasting, um, sailing, with… Nope, it’s gone now.

    Oh, and, “He had come so far… So far.” In context that struck me as the funniest line in Ken’s highlights.

  • Sounds, small unintelligible sounds, such as one would emit if reading this book out loud?

  • Calypso

    Ick. Ick, ick, ick, ick, ick. Also, ick.
    “Porn for women”? Not any woman I’d want to know.

    Oh—did I mention “ICK!!!!”