More Fletcher Hanks!!!

If there was one book over the last several years I considered a must buy, it was I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets, a collection of absolutely insane ’40s comics by demented (and, sadly, abusive drunk) cartoonist Fletcher Hanks.  This is the real stuff, folks, a diret pipeline into a crazy man’s psyche.  Comparing people to Ed Wood has become a tired and usually pointless cliche, but here the comparison is pretty apt.  Both men seemed to be working from a logical framework not of this earth, and with a syntax to match.

In any case, as of today and at long last, the rest of Hanks’ work is now collected in a second tome, You Shall Die By Your Own Evil Creation.  If it’s only half as good as the first volume, it will be WELL worth the money.  Man, I can’t wait.

  • Blackadder

    The titles of these books alone are better than the contents of most other books.


  • Ericb

    Now here are some superheros that are just dying for the Hollywood blockbuster treatment.

  • I will now show off by stating that I own a copy of the first Fletcher Hanks books courtesy of Jabootu’s high priest – he brought it as a gift when he came to one of the T-fests. It’s WAY better than the ecch Samurai Cop dvd he brought last year.

  • Definitely getting those books.

    I’ve only seen samples, but that one where the guy goes on a safari, then gets bitten and molested by every single animal in the jungle for several panels and culminating with him, old and bitter, and vowing to destroy all animals in the world … well, if that doesn’t make you smile, you might have no heart.

  • There are no words to describe the comics of Fletcher Hanks. You really must see them with your own eyes.

  • Thanks so much for the recommendation. Now I’m also looking forward to the next volume!

  • Wow! Thanks for the kind words about my Fletcher Hanks books, y’all.

    I leave you to decide if the second volume is “half as good” but I will guarantee that it is twice as big! Together the books comprise the Complete (God help us!) Fletcher Hanks.

    What, you still do not know who this cartoonist was whom R.Crumb called a “twisted dude” ?

    Slide over to my website and check out a full length Hanks tale on the BONUS page: