Watch Party tomorrow…

Sorry for the late notice. Jane and Fuzzball spent a very painful hour (mostly for them) last night trying to instruct me on how to run an Amazon Prime movie on Discord. No success. It’s possible that my computer is too slow to run both Discord and Prime at the same time. I did find recent, explicit (10 pages worth) instructions on the web for doing it, so I’ll see if I can manage it this weekend.

In the short term, however–aka, tomorrow night–we’ll go back to YouTube, because that worked before. There will be occasional commercial breaks, but they were pretty light last time. (Depends on the channel, I think.) Note: If you elect to watch the movie not via my shared screen, but by running Amazon yourself, so that you can cast it to your TV, perhaps, chances are you will get commercial breaks different from mine and hence be slightly out of sync as the night progresses.

Anyway, sorry this process has been so painful, but I think we’re zeroing in on making it work.

See you tomorrow.

  • Hunter gave me a very technical explanation of why my outdated processor causes the flibertigibbet to bottleneck at the schotzenheimer and that's why I can't run Discord and Prime at the same time. I have no idea what he was saying, but do wonder why the kid is still working retail. Also realizing that it's probably time for a new laptop, which I hate because I don't feel like moving all my stuff over and (because I'm cheap) don't have enough space on OneDrive to just back it all up and download it to a new system.

  • Gamera977

    Do I just need to be on Discord and wait for the invite? Anything else I need to do???

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I did not know Windows still made it difficult to transfer. MacOS you just hook up the old to new and they do the rest.

  • Ken_Begg

    That should do it. I'll send out the normal email, but just be checked into your Discord account. Thanks!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I just realized that the title of this week's offering was not a description but part of a "to do" list.

  • Gamera977

    I logged on last night and got a screen of various things on YouTube plus a box showing 'Kill Squad' which was marked as 'unavailable or not available' or something like that. On the right of the screen I did see a running chat commentary. So did I have something set incorrectly again?