Monster of the Day #3657

“Invulnerable” might be overstating it a bit. Winter is here, although we haven’t gotten too much snow yet. How are things with you guys?

Watch Party on Friday. It’s a goodie.

  • We just had our nastiest ice storm (with snow on either end) in years yesterday and the cold snap the next ten days will be Chicago worthy, but otherwise doing well. Fortunately we have a big fireplace and a small gennie (enough to run the chest freezer after a hurricane and keep the TV and lights on in one room) so the 8 hour power outage yesterday was reasonably comfortable. I'm still staying in today, although will eventually have to clear my car so that Fuzz can take the AWD to the office tomorrow. We did have a giant pine branch (6 inches by about 12 feet or so) down in the driveway, but missed my car by about a foot and came down on the near side so didn't block us in. Youngest giant already dragged it into yard, but will still require chainsaw work once we get a thaw (so February?).

    TL/DR – we're warm and dry

  • Also, I want someone to make a movie of this cover.

  • KeithB

    Cue the "In Summer" song from Frozen

  • Gamera977

    Someone is going to have to lure all the snowmen into a greenhouse…

  • Gamera977

    We only got about a centimeter but it won't warm up enough to melt it off.

  • I'd have thought y'all would have had more than us in the mountains. We basically have 3 inches of ice on the ground after all the different weather. Gonna be here a while, might hit 35 this afternoon for a but, but 13 tonight and not above freezing for a few days after that. Brrrr

  • Gamera977

    I guess we dodged the bullet. About that cold here but we didn't get that much snow or ice.

  • Dorothy Cobb

    I live in St. Louis and we got 5 to 7 inches on Sunday. It is hard to travel here.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Glad you're all okay. Take care where you are.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Given that DC will be reprinting a big book of their weird comic SF stories later this year, I wonder if this masterpiece will be included?

    Maybe this time DC can also do some collections of their old historical characters, or the odder DC-verse inhabitants like Detective Chimp or Rex the Wonder Dog.

  • Ken_Begg

    I'm with you on that! Soon AI will let people make all sorts of interesting crap.

    Congrats on surviving your travails!