
Did anybody see the premiere of this on The Kaboom! Discovery Channel on Monday?  Basically it’s Monster Garage meets Robot Wars.  (In fact, I think DC entirely creates its new programming by putting slips bearing the names of their old shows in a hat and drawing two of them at random to combine.)  Two teams of two guys are each given a vehicle and a week to armor and weaponize it–each team, for instance, gets a pair of various sorts of machine guns issued to them every week–and then they remote control go all Robot Wars on each other, although that wussy rule against projectile weapons is (obviously) out the window.  The vehicles are even loaded with explosives so if they get hit correctly they blow up real good.

Anyway, not exactly sophisticated TV, but what the hell, it’s entertaining.  Still, I’m not sure where ‘discovery’ comes into it.

  • Ericb

    The should increase tha ordinance and add some C and D list “celebrities” and call it Celebrity Deathmatch 2009. I bet people would watch.

  • jzimbert

    I have vague memories of watching “The Know Zone” and “Movie Magic” on Discovery back in college. Even then, there was a tendency toward sensationalism, but it makes me sad sometimes that the explosions have become an end unto themselves.

  • If they let us vote on the celebrities, I can guarantee that this would be the first ever reality show I would watch. I have several picks all ready.

  • Matt B.

    Hmmm. Looks like I need to revive the old AADA chapter around here.