RIP Dom DeLuise

I was seldom a fan of Mr. DeLuise’s work. I tend not to much enjoy practitioners of the antic comic school, such as Robin Williams, Jonathon Winters, or most relevantly here, perhaps, Joe Besser. Most of all, I found little amusing in Mr. DeLuise’s sidekick-to-Burt-Reynolds period–from either side of that partnership–and remain profoundly relieved that Mr. DeLuise didn’t appear in my beloved Smokey and the Bandit. Although I believe he was in one of the no doubt horrible sequels.

Still and all, as I’ve observed before, one of the few bits of wisdom I’ve gleaned over the years is to accept that people find funny what they find funny. I may not have generally enjoyed Mr. DeLuise’s stuff, but tens, possibly hundreds, of millions of people worldwide derived amusement and even joy from his work. In the end, that’s really not a bad thing to be remembered for.

Mr. DeLuise was 75.

  • I can’t say that I was a DeLuise super-fan (who is, really?) but I loved him in all of the Mel Brooks movies he’s been in. Then again, I’m a corny guy who loves corny humor.

    RIP big guy.

  • As the sole defender of Dom DeLuise in our little group, I am saddened to hear of his passing. I’ll be breaking out the Cannonball Run DVD and raising a cold Coors to Mr. DeLuise tonight.

  • Zandor Vorkov

    Goodbye, Jeremy the crow. :(

  • sardu


    I love that someone else immediately thought of that too.

  • Nathan

    He had a great scene in Robin Hood, men in tights.

  • Kirk you are not alone. While I am not a card-carrying member of Dom’s fan club, I always got a chuckle out of him in any film in which he appeared. He was great in Twelve Chairs.

    Besides, some one had to be the poor man’s VictoR Buono.

  • While I didn’t enjoy everything Mr DeLuise put out, the one film he made with Burt Reynolds that I did like was “The End”. A dark comedy where Burt is a guy who finds out he has a fatal disease, tries to kill himself, and winds up in a psychiatric hospital with nutcase DeLuise. Not for everyone, but I found it funny.