Monster of the Day #3461

Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Nearly August already. Yeesh.

Watched Rocky IV for Friday’s Watch Party, and it went down pretty smooth. I’ve reviewed it here, and it’s still highly weird and silly and crazy. That’s especially true of you watch it right after watching Rocky. In nine years the series went from gritty lower blue collar slice of life to an insane cartoon. One thing of note: Rocky IV is about 90 minutes, and the more recent Creed II was two hours and ten minutes. Forty extra minutes of running time inflation.

And Rocky IV, like today’s cover, featured a robot. Ah, the ’80s.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I guess if you live in Horror Mansion, murder is probably pretty common and not a big deal.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Wizard of OZ deleted scenes.

  • Ken_Begg

    This is The Wiz right before Bill Cosby was replaced as the Tin Man by Nipsey Russell.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    That reminds me, I never know that Sydney Lumet (director of "The Wiz") was the son of Baruch Lumet from "The Killer Shrews" until Svengoolie mentioned it this weekend.

  • Gamera977

    'Fool! I'm programming the robot to tango if you'd stop interrupting by waving that gun in my face!'

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Tonight's 4K feature was Vinegar Syndrome's "Reptilicus." I got the deluxe slipcover packaging, because why not, and this should really win an award for packaging. It looks great, nice and solid, and on the cover you can see the farmer tumbling into Reptilicus' mouth. As for the film itself, it looks great, a lot of the creature scenes are really grainy but that probably can't be helped. In the other scenes, never has a puppet looked more like a puppet.

  • Ken_Begg

    Thanks for the product review, BC! I'm planning to grab that one myself.

  • Rodford Smith

    "[N]ever has a puppet looked more like a puppet."

    So you haven't seen The Giant Claw

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Actually, I have, thanks to Arrow Video's box set. The main drawback for the Giant Claw was the design of the creature. The actual articulation, and animation of the creature is superb. Yeah, it looks like a puppet, but unlike Reptilicus, it has really good articulation. Given a better design and this film, seriously, would be right up there with Ray Harryhausen's best.