Watch Party tonight….

Be ye there or be ye square.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Sorry I missed it. Exhausted for several days running and wasn't up to it. One tiny complaint–with the old Watch Parties, we could click on the email link and it would show the title of what was on offer. So we could say, "Alabama's Ghost"? I've seen that five times this week!" The new ones don't hint at a title until you sign in, and then you feel bad for leaving.
    And now the neighbors are causing a ruckus, this is your correspondent signing out.

  • You missed nothing of value, save the comments.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I've got an idea–maybe the invitation could contain the IMDB title code? Here are two recent WP examples.



    That way people who want to be surprised can still be surprised.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Sorry I missed the party. Tonight's Blue-Ray feature is "Death Machine," one of four films directed by special effects guy Stephen Norrington, before Sean Connery pissed him off so much he vowed never to direct another film.
    It's a fairly simple story, killer robot is loose in the building and we've got some folks trying to survive. It's a lot of fun. The main attraction is the wonderful practical effects robot, which is magnificent. It also has some wonderful sound effects CLINK CLANK CLANKCLANKCLANKCLANK WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH CLINK. And a pair of great performances from Brad Dourif and William (Porkins) Hootkins.
    Kino Lorber released this with three versions–the US theatrical cut, the director's cut, and the 120 min European cut, which is the one I decided to watch. There's some footage I don't recognize here, mainly Ely Pouget's guilt and some cops early on, but no matter–that robot is so magnificent it makes me wish there was a "Death Machine 2"
    Image and sound are great throughout. Much better than how I originally saw it, in a "4 movies" pack with Evolver, Cyborg2 and another one I can't remember. "Death Machine" is way more recommended than any of the other three.

  • Gamera977

    You missed the Bostage…

    And Lesbian Shower Lynchings.

    To be honest, Cullen is right, they kinda sucked.

  • Moments of my life that shall never return. Though Fate has ensured it that I can never complain about such lost. I've… watched The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave twice.


    Such shame never leaves a man.