Monster of the Day #3528

Of course, Roger Corman started his career during the glory age of the movie poster. Famously, AIP would come up with a title, if it did well with distributors would commission a poster, and if that did well would actually hire someone to write a script.

I’ll say the Mexican poster is certainly more, uh, upfront with the sex angle.

AMC tried briefly to put out a series of 12 inch figures based on B-Movie monsters. Sadly, the line failed. I do have the three they released, though, including Marty the Mutant. I can see him from my desk as I write this.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I love this movie. Adele Jergen's character of Ruby may be my favorite character in it. I think I prefer her to the 'good girl' character who gets away with her new boyfriend at the end.