Monster of the Day Postponed….

Sorry, the editing function at Imgur has been messed up the last couple of days. After spending ten minutes the trying to get the still the right size I now have to leave for work. Back this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Have a great day, folks!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    This site is edited? ;-)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Couple of box sets arrived. The Shout Factory Werner Herzog, because who doesn't need Uncle Werner hanging around. The first four Hellraiser films in 4K, because…well, it was either that or open the puzzle box and I have work tomorrow. (I watched 2 because it's my favorite. The scene where Tiffany opens the gate is a stunning audio-visual bit.)
    I also got the Bill Rebane set. For the love of God, Montresor, I bought the Bill Rebane set!

  • Ken_Begg

    I recent that demark!

  • Ken_Begg

    Only a matter of time before those Al Adamson and HG Lewis sets arrive at your house too.

  • Oof, even I won't buy the Rebane set, and I have the (Alpha) Lewis one. I'd maybe even consider the Adamson, but Rebane is just too mean spirited for me. I have Giant Spider Invasion of course, and the good stuff in it is frankly great, but even in it the dirtbag human stuff is frankly depressing and a little too realistic a portrait of the worst of the white trash culture I was raised adjacent to. Alpha Incident is just a horrible and humorless portrait of horrible people treating other people horribly while disaster strikes around them. I'd opine on Monster a Go Go, but frankly after multiple attempts I've never managed to watch the whole thing.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The Rats are Coming, The HGL Set is Here!