Godzilla Minus One now on Netflix / Dumb Disney

Netflix has added Godzilla Minus One, so it’s available worldwide (except in Japan) for anyone who wants to watch / rewatch it. Godzilla Minus One Minus Color–the superior version, I think–will be added later this summer.

Disney, which is on a real role lately, has destroyed all their franchises they spent billions acquiring, including Pixar. (Good job getting rid of John Lasseter, morons.) They are hoping to revive it’s fortunes, though. Their genius plan? More sequels and reboots of old Pixar movies. For the love of Pete…..

  • KeithB

    "Inside Out" cried out for a sequel. Now if they keep it going every 5 years until Riley gets to the old folks home, they might be milking it dry.

    Saw the new Jim Henson documentary by Ron Howard. It was pretty good. He had real angst about doing Sesame Street. He was also really bummed about the response to "Labyrinth".