Monster of the Day #3520

(It was weirdly difficult to find a good still of Audrey Jr.)

1960 saw Roger Corman direct two of his most famous pictures. Yesterday, we talked about Fall of the House of Usher, Corman’s first Poe film. However, maybe as a lark, or just to prove he could stlll do it, Corman decided to direct one of his cheapest things ever. Hearing that a set was to sit idle for a weekend before being torn down, Corman decided to film a movie in two days. The result, weirdly, was an instant underground classic, The Little Shop of Horrors, a film so popular it was remade as a softcore sex film (the cheekily titled I Dismember Mama) and, of course, as a big budget musical. Not bad, Mr. Corman.

  • You meant Please Don’t Eat My Mother. I Dismember Mama is a completely different blot on cinema history.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    What about that big budget Russel Crowe film “Glad He Ate Her”?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    It won an Oscar!!!

  • I can’t believe it took me this long to figure this out.