Roger Corman got super lazy in 1959, directing only three films that year. What a slugabed. I mean, he directed 20 films in the four years prior to that. One of the 1959 films was one of his classics, though, A Bucket of Blood, starring Dick Miller and setting the making of the satirical Little Shop of Horrors the next year. However, 1959’s actual monster movie was The Wasp Woman, a pretty standard “woman seeks youth and beauty and becomes a literal monster” plot that was reused quite a lot over the years. It’s a cheaper but far more entertaining version of Universal’s moribund The Leech Woman, although the ‘monster’ outfit is pretty dire even for a production like this. Paul Blaisdell, where art thou?
For those keeping track, I did see Castle in the Sky last night for the first time, and if you’re going to see a Ghibli for the first time, it’s nice to see it in a theater. Although they’re magnificent I don’t gravitate towards Miyazuaki’s epics as much, but this one I really liked, rather more than Nausicaa or Princess Mononoke. And it’s not like those are bad films, to say the least. Castle in the Sky really worked for me, though.