Monster of the Day #3515

The Devil you say. Is there a weirder indie genre film of the ’50s than Roger Corman’s The Undead? The fact that Corman knew he could make money with this film–because he wouldn’t have made it otherwise–proves that he respected his audience more than most of those toiling in the same fields.

We watched Attack of the Crab Monsters on Friday, and it’s so much better than it seems on the surface. Corman really knew what he was about. And he directed / produced eight movies that year.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’ve only seen this one in its MST3K version.

  • Gamera977

    Is this the one where the guy playing Satan was so bad that Tom Servo quipped ‘You weren’t thrown out of Heaven, you were thrown out of community theater”?

  • Eric Hinkle

    This is one odd film, but I’ve watched it several times. The gorgeous lady playing Livia the witch probably has something to do with it.

    It also has some great dialogue: “None shall say that Scroup is one to lose his head.”

    Livia: “Then Scroup is a liar… and a head is needed for the Sabbath!” Chop!

  • The Rev.

    The Undead is one of my favorite Corman films. Such a fun premise, various memorable characters (for good and ill), some great lines, a neat little ending, and yes, *sigh* Allison Hayes looking hotter than she possibly ever has and really vamping it up. Nothing against Pamela Duncan, but if I’d been Pendragon, the first time Livia turned those eyes my way or was all “I’ll give thee all the love thou can stand,” I’d be off to live with her and her imp in a little cottage with chicken legs or whatever.