Watch Party tomorrow night…

Obviously we’re going a Corman. I’m thinking, because of us, to do one of his ’50s monster films, but what do you think guys? Would you rather do something else, like The Fast and the Furious? And if we do a monster movie, is it Day the World Ended, because it’s the first, or Attack of the Crab Monsters or It Conquered the World? Really, anything he made in the 50s would work. Please leave your thoughts below.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I don’t think I’ve seen Day the Earth Ended, so my vote would go that way.

  • The Rev.

    I’d probably vote for Attack of the Crab Monsters because *gasp, choke* I actually haven’t seen it. But I’d also be down for about any of his stuff. I do really like The Undead, and The Gunslinger isn’t the best but it’s got Beverly Garland AND Allison Hayes *fans self*.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I was just saying how much I liked “Fast and the Furious” and “The Young Racers”. I have been on a car kick again.
    “The Young Racers” sort of pairs Willian Shatner and William Campbell before Star Trek. Shatner is dubbing co-star Marc Damon for some reason. You keep hearing Bill and not seeing him.

  • Gamera977

    Any are fine by me. Hopefully I can get the weird chat issue nailed down.

  • zombiewhacker

    I won’t be able to participate, but if I might throw in my two cents anyway, Not of This Earth might make a good viewing choice. It’s the first Corman movie I remember seeing as a child, Paul Birch makes a memorable villain, and the cast includes both Beverly Garland and Dick Miller.

  • Ken_Begg

    Gamera: I’m not expert (surprise), but I’m casting my screen, which obviously has the chat. The only thing I can think of is that you accidentally turned on “full screen” in the options and it blew up the movie section and excluded the chat part. Other than that, I can’t imagine why that would have happened.

  • Ken_Begg

    You will be missed!

    I’ll continue to track, but with everyone voting for different things–a credit to Corman!–I’ll probably just stick with my first choice and let the chips fall while they may.

    Let’s admit it, we could do early Corman directorial efforts for a year.

  • Gamera977

    I could see the box where the posts come up including the names of the viewers just no chat. I’m thinking it was something weird with my VPN. Amazon always freaked out when I tried running a VPN during a watch party. I’m not sure about this but I’ll make sure to turn it off and see if it works.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, Paul Birch was as intimidating as hell here. I’ve wondered if his performance in ‘NoTE’ was the inspiration for the Men In Black reports.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I won’t be there, but I hope everyone has fun.

    I love so many Corman films I wouldn’t know how to pick just one. Maybe either ‘The Raven’ or ‘Battle Beyond the Stars’, mostly because my father loved both.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That was both entertaining and educational.

  • The Rev.

    Glad I finally saw Attack of the Crab Monsters. Was a dynamite little bit of entertainment, short enough to never get boring. Plus the two main actors were also main actors in The Undead, which is a personal Corman fav of mine, which was a fun bonus. Loved the crab props, of course. Even the shonky eyes.