From the “Yes, other people get the same ideas” dept.

I’ve noted before that whenever a movie adapted from a book comes out (Secret Life of Bees, whatever), people come in looking for the book, and are often gobsmacked to learn that it’s checked out, as it the notion that somebody else would coming looking for it for the exact same reason they did was impossibly exotic.  Same sort of thing today, where in one hour on the public desk I’ve had three people come in looking for DVD copies of The Passion of the Christ or The Ten Commandments, and gotten surprised looks when I tell them the items are already checked out.

You know, for EASTER WEEKEND.  Go figure.

  • rockrocky77


  • Mr. Rational

    I’m just curious…does the same phenomenon result at Christmas with Miracle on 34th Street? (Probably not with It’s a Wonderful Life, given how often that film is broadcast…)

  • Jimmy

    Yeah, I work in a public library as well and get the same thing. “No, really there’s a waiting list for all the Twilight books, and no we’re not going to waste our limited funds on buying even more copies…”

  • Blackadder

    Same thing happens at my library. I don’t have to deal with it quite so much since I moved to Reference though.

  • Actually, yes, but to a lesser extent.

  • Tongo Rad

    I unwittingly did something like that late one December. I was catching up on the Coen Bros. films that I never got around to seeing and decided to reserve The Hudsucker Proxy. When I found out that all of the copies in our cooperative library system were reserved I thought that it was seriously odd, but went on the waiting list anyway. When I finally got around to seeing it in January it all became clear to me.