Monster of the Day #3504

The greatest giant spider in movie history.

So here’s my recent Robot Holocaust story. I have my packages shipped to my friends Holly & Paul’s house (where we hold Basement Fest) because they are there all day to collect them so they don’t get stolen or rained / snowed on. So pre-Basement Fest I dropped by and had an order from (I think) Hamilton Books. GalaxyJane was sitting next to me and obviously looking at my purchases. Then she called out one in particular:

Jane, disdainfully: “Why did you buy three [Blu Ray] copies of Robot Holocaust?”
Me, somewhat aggrieved: “Actually, for a very good reason. *AHEM* Jane, would you like a copy of Robot Holocaust?
Jane: “Oh…uh…sure.”
I turned to the Rev, sitting nearby.
Me: “Hey, Rev, do you want a copy of Robot Holocaust?
Rev:  “Uh, OK.”
I turned back to Jane:  “That’s why I bought three copies of Robot Holocaust.”

Indeed, since it took all of literally ten seconds to dispose of my two spare copies, the real question is why I didn’t buy more. And the reason I bought giveaways in the first place is that they were selling them for five bucks.

Anyhoo, having my own copy now, I brought it to Texas and we watched it that morning. For those who have only seen it via MST3K, well, it holds up nicely on it’s own. Of special delight is the Germanic-accented lass who plays Valaria. She’s a hoot.

  • Marsden

    Wow, it’s great your still posting. Sorry I’ve been away but my former PC has passed and I finally have a new one.

    Ken, I’ve seen you on some of S|andy’s Youtubes!

    Thanks for everything over the years, I really mean that.

  • Ken_Begg

    Marsden! Good to see you! How are things? Ha, yeah, those Sandy videos were pretty fun, thank you.

    I’m not really posting, since all I do is these Monster of the Day, by and large. Still, if you don’t have anything better to do (I hope that’s not true), we will be doing a watch party tomorrow night. If you wish to join us just send me your email at

    In any case, keep well!

  • Thank you Ken. Also thank you for my awesome birthday present. Finally have some time at home coming up this weekend for watchies.

  • NathanShumate

    Oh, wow — I had forgotten that Hamilton Books still exists. (Inflicting any Tim Kincaid movie on a putative friend is just a jerk move, though.)