This Month on Fathom….

By the way, I’ve seen the original Alien playing for a day in several theaters in the area. So if that interests you you might want to check the upcoming schedules for your local cinemas.

May offerings via Fathom Events, playing at local theaters countrywide, include

Hitchcock’s wonderful North by Northwest with Cary Grant. May 19 & 22nd.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind May 19th & 21st. (One day will bet the dub, the other the subtitled version)

Castle in the Sky May 20th & 22nd. (One day will bet the dub, the other the subtitled version)

Have you seen any old movies playing in theaters near you?

  • NathanShumate

    I caught the ALIEN showing. Nothing like seeing a classic like that on the big screen to drive home just how much the craft of filmmaking has changed. While ALIEN is visually stunning, the visuals are there for *story*, not *spectacle*.

  • Every time a classic Horror film comes out in theaters, I try to catch it. I’ve seen the Slasher trifecta (Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street) as well as Jaws (in 3-D no less), the original King Kong, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Claude Rains’ Phantom from the Opera, Karloff’s The Mummy, and Bride of Frankenstein. Not a single one of them was a waste of my time. Though of course I’d have been happier to see the sublime Jaws 3-D than Jaws in 3-d, but that was still a great experience.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I wish I lived closer to some of you folks. They never show any old movies out where I live, unless it’s at a public library every now and then.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, the Fathom stuff should play nationwide, but If you don’t have a lot of multiplexes hear you than maybe not. But yes, it would be great to live close enough together that we could hang out more.

  • Eric Hinkle

    We’ve lost a couple of multiplexes and other theaters out here these past few years. The local theater business seems as bad as everywhere else to judge by what I’ve heard online.