Monster of the Day #3473

So I slept through Hard Rock Zombies, but there was no escape. The next film was ANOTHER direct to video horror movie, the third in a row, The Chilling (1989). It was also, including Plan 9, three of four films in a row that featured zombies. This was truly mediocre and I really remember nothing about it. It does have a bit of a B movie cast: Linda Blair, Dan Haggerty and Troy Donahue. Again, highly puzzling that of all the movies one could choose to sponsor, this made the short list.

Chad R noted at this point that every movie we’d seen, barring the perennial Plan 9, was released between 1973 and 1992. If you start with the Universal horrors of the ’30s–we are seven years away from the Centennial for both Dracula and Frankenstein–we have nearly a 100 years of cinema to choose from. More variety, people!

  • I’m beginning to suspect this was a good B-Fest to miss.

  • I won’t lie, when I checked the lineup since I couldn’t go, I wasn’t sorry I was out of the country.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, they might be good but a bunch of basically the same thing is just too much.

  • RWA

    When even B-movie fans stop appreciating black and white, you know we are living in very sad times.