Monster of the Day #3468

So, B-Fest back in the day ended with a Godzilla movie. They were fun and colorful and loud and woke everyone up before the trip home. Basement Fest continues that tradition. This time it was Son of Godzilla, one of my first Godzillas and one I deeply, deeply love. (As does Rev, as it turns out.) Lots of great monster action, the fun weather experiment stuff, the jungle girl, and of course Godzilla proving a stern but loving father. Love that movie.

Now on to this year’s B-Fest.

  • So, have you stopped attending normal B-Fest?

  • The Rev.

    For me, this one has some of the most entertaining non-monster stuff in it with the weather experiments and Bibari Maeda running around in a sarong and the fever and internal strife and all. I think Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster is still tops for that, but this one’s up there with the first two Mechagodzillas. It also has a good ratio of monster to non-monster stuff, and it’s well-spaced throughout. And come on, the Kamacuras and Kumonga are tops. I know Minya’s voice is irritating, but the scenes of him and his dad are pretty entertaining, and he gets some genuinely nice moments (his worry for Godzilla letting him fire off a full blast of breath against Kumonga’s webbing, the classic “FINISH HIM!” double blast from father and son, and the surprisingly touching ending.) I will never understand anyone who doesn’t think this one is an absolute hoot. This was a MUCH better close to Basement Fest than last year when you showed Gamera: Stock Footage Boogaloo I Mean Super Monster.

  • This and Godzilla v. the Sea Monster are wonderful, wonderful films, filled with love, laughs, and deeply entertaining stories.

  • Appropriate to this, I just saw that Tubi has added all the Showa-era Godzilla films for free right now. Choice of dubbed or subtitled. When you scroll through you just have to look next to the titles, the dubbed version say so in parenthesis next to the title, the subtitled ones are plain. Most of these I have only ever seen dubbed, so I’m pretty happy tonight.

  • Eric Hinkle

    They have some great old films on Tubi.

  • Ken_Begg

    No, but several of our group have decided they prefer the comfort of Basement Fest instead. So we run that either the weekend before or after B-Fest, and then a handful of us attend both.

  • Ken_Begg

    I agree, although those were the first two G films I had seen so I imprinted on them pretty hard. I remember being shocked when I learned as an adult that many fans scorn them. I think they’re great.

  • They really do. They also have some really horrible old films on Tubi. Since I love both it’s a win-win for me.