Monster of the Day #3442

Working in TV is so weird. You create things that will probably only be used in one episode of one show.  For instance, these monster designs.

I was thinking of this sort of thing while watching the anime Frieren Beyond Journey’s End, a classic in the making with a great score. One episode has people dancing a waltz, and the composer wrote a great little waltz that will probably only ever be used here in this one episode. Admittedly, people will probably be watching this show for years and decades to come, but even so. And perforce the score is only a background detail that many people will never notice to start with. Huh.

  • kgb_san_diego

    At first I thought the fish was wearing granny glasses. Now THAT would have been a monster!

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    and now he hosts cartoons on MeTV

  • The Rev.

    This is Angoras from Ultraman 80. Someone stole her baby so she took a page from Mama Gorgo’s playbook and went on a rampage. U80 jobbed to her until her baby was returned because you don’t really want to murder a mother who just wants her child back. It’d be kind of a bummer.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I saw that Don Knotts film ;-)

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, maybe you don’t.