Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Oh, well, at least next Monday is a holiday for some of us. Although man, they really need to space these holidays better.
I’m sure I’ve featured this beast before, but then the suit appears in a couple of films so I’m probably covered. First in the cowboy movie Swamp of the Lost Monster, then later in the rather amusing female (surprise) wrestler / superhero movie Batwoman. I thought maybe it also was the suit used in Castle of Monsters, but no, that looks to have been a more standard rip-off of the Gill Man.
Friday’s Watch Party was Superman IV. Everyone groused it was bad. Yeah, weird, I’m not sure why Jabootu’s Very Good Movie Dimension would show a bad movie. Yeesh, you people. That said, Superman IV isn’t the sort of movie I would every have much to say about, so from that standpoint at least it was an off choice. Next Watch Party a week from Friday.