Monster of the Day #3441

Happy (?) Monday, everyone. Oh, well, at least next Monday is a holiday for some of us. Although man, they really need to space these holidays better.

I’m sure I’ve featured this beast before, but then the suit appears in a couple of films so I’m probably covered. First in the cowboy movie Swamp of the Lost Monster, then later in the rather amusing female (surprise) wrestler / superhero movie Batwoman. I thought maybe it also was the suit used in Castle of Monsters, but no, that looks to have been a more standard rip-off of the Gill Man.

Friday’s Watch Party was Superman IV. Everyone groused it was bad. Yeah, weird, I’m not sure why Jabootu’s Very Good Movie Dimension would show a bad movie. Yeesh, you people. That said, Superman IV isn’t the sort of movie I would every have much to say about, so from that standpoint at least it was an off choice. Next Watch Party a week from Friday.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I actually have Superman IV. It was on one of those “4 series movies in one sleeve” that Warners used to put out. The kind you bought because there was one (or maybe two) movies that you actually wanted and it was cheap. I’ve never seen S IV though.

  • IDK, it wasn’t on my bucket list (more my anti-bucket list because I hate that kind of political posturing) but I can say I’ve now seen it and it is indeed as craptacular as others have noted. Seems even more ridiculously naive given today’s geopolitcal climate, especially seeing what happens to Russia’s neighbors when they give up their nukes in exchange for US reassurances that it will be just fine..

  • Kirk Draut

    And somehow, the movie was still above Jon Cryer’s talent level.

  • There are bad movies and then there are bad movies. And then there’s Superman IV, which makes the other two sets look good.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Superman 4 has, by far, the dumbest villain plan I have ever seen. And having hung around this site for many years, that is a REALLY high bar. But Supes 4 clears it easily. Just wow.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Apropos of naught, I watched the recently released Blue-Ray of “The Quatermass Xperiment” bringing my Blue-Ray Quatermass excursion to a close. Like the other two, image and sound are excellent, Paul McCartney’s future girlfriend is surprisingly accepting, I would not want to get between Brian Donlevy and any goal he had in mind, and I’m surprised that Richard Wordsworth isn’t more renown than he is. His performance is really extraordinary. I’m surprised it didn’t make him a star. The only other film I know him from is the Jimmy Stewart version of “The Man Who Knew Too Much.”

  • Ken_Begg

    By stupid villain plan, I assume you mean Superman basically becoming dictator of the world.

  • kgb_san_diego

    LOL. OK, that too, but I meant throw Supes DNA into the sun, which will of course make a nuclear supes copy. I mean, of course!