Monster of the Day #3427

“Sex Scandal that Rocked an Empire.” I’ll bet! And after he left a sock wrapped around the stalagmite at the cave entrance. Dude. (By the way, if you think it’s annoying when *you* lose a sock and ruin a pair….)

Happy Friday, everyone. Christmas a week from Monday! Yikes. Watch something stupid this weekend, and something Christmas-y, or something for whatever your holiday is. LIke Life Day. Sadly, the Winter Solstice is going to happen soon, meaning (ugh) the days are going to start getting longer.

Watch Party next Friday. Last of 2023!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    She’s not even a little bit correctly dressed for caving. Though her shoes are fabulous.

  • Ken_Begg

    Those are actually the most sensible heels she owns.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Page 16 is missing in this copy!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Yeah, she left with some guy, real sharp dresser wearing a Fedora…said she’d be back before the classifieds. Of course, she said that last month, too. Ya gonna buy something, pal?

  • zombiewhacker

    If the spider hasn’t actually attacked her yet, who ripped open her blouse? Discuss.

  • Gamera977

    She was probably carried into the cave by Ro-Man.

  • Gamera977

    And BTW as a little Christmas gift to myself I picked up the new ‘Cushing Curiosities’ set – six Peter Cushing films I’ve never heard of from Severin. I should have waited till they had a sale but hey it’s Peter friggin’ Cushing for crying out loud!

  • Did it go out for a walk?

  • Ken_Begg

    You are wise unto your generation. I would suggest Indicator’s collection of Todd Slaughter films, because 1) the set is fantastic, and b) they usually are very limited editions. For instance, *between* the US and the Brit sets–two different regions, although as with many of their Blu Ray sets, the discs are region free–they are making 6000 copies. That’s for both countries. I already had sets slip from my fingers, so they are on my “aggressive buy” list when they make something cool. Indeed, being aware of that I preordered mine and paid a bit extra just to be sure I got it. Right now it’s on Amazon for 45% off, at $60.

    The Cushing Curiosities set is on my to buy list, if only because of the earlier Eurocrypt sets they did for Christopher Lee, which were fantastic.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    I have a naughty response but this a family forum(sort of) ;-)

  • Gamera977

    Cool, I’m going to look up the Slaugher sets. And I hope someone does a set for John Carridine and George Zucco. I’ve always enjoyed their stuff.

  • Ken_Begg

    The Coffin Joe stuff is fun because it’s one of those deals where the movies were made by a guy with an extremely specific set of themes and motifs he liked. It’s always interesting to see films that literally could not have been made by anyone else.

    Speaking of, we need a Neil Breen set, but I fear his mania for control over his films will never allow it.