Meet-up Opportunity in August 2024…

Monster Bash is a yearly East Cost monster movie fest help in Pittsburg every year. Or twice a year. Meanwhile, they also run a two-day, eight movie fest in the gorgeous looking Palace Theater in Canton, Oh. As you can see from the above poster art, next year’s theme will be dinosaur movies. The line-up hasn’t been announced yet, but surely it will include, say, Gorgo, The Land Unknown and Dinosaurus!

Anyway, I’m thinking of attending because, you know, dinosaur movies in a theater. If I do go, I’d probably drive out there–it’s about 7 hours from where I live–but I’m not much of a highway driver and I’d be glad to pop for expenses for anyone who wants to fly up to OHare and share or just do the driving.

All that aside, the main question is, would anyone else have interest in such a thing?

  • Right now either this or the July Monster Bash convention will likely work for me although my life is chronically up in the air right now. It’s only about a 5 hour drive for me from VA, or 2 1/2 if I start from my mom’s in WV.

  • Eric Hinkle

    If only this was closer to my neck of the woods. I hope everyone who makes it has fun!

  • It would be nice to see Gorgo on the big screen. August, though, is a LONG way away and I have no idea what’s in store for me out then.

  • Ken_Begg

    Jane, I’m up for either (or both) so when your schedule clarifies just let me know.

  • Ken_Begg

    True, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least let people put it on their calendars. I’ll try to remember to post reminders on this every two to three months. First though…B-Fest in February!

  • The Rev.

    August is a bad month for me as we are firing up for the fall semester (and it starts halfway through the month). If there’s something in July, though (which GJ seemed to indicate), that might work for me.

  • Gamera977

    A little more of a drive for me than GJ and Jamie. But frankly the older I get the less I like traveling.

  • Ken_Begg

    Rev, there’s a con in Pittsburg (I think) that we were talking about going to. All about old monster movies, it’s been running for years now. It’s a while off but I’ll keep you apprised if GJ and I move forward with it.

  • Ken_Begg

    Me too! On the other hand, the older I get the more motivated I get to see people while are all still all here. Sorry it that sounds like a downer note, but, you know, that’s the nature of things.