Monster of the Day #3421

Beware it’s murderous brain!

Godzilla Minus One has been successful enough that it’s limited run has been extended. Indeed, it’s going to get some more screens this weekend. Nice to see good movies be successful. The film’s minuscule budget–which admittedly could not be duplicated here–nonetheless serves as an obvious rebuke and lesson for the American studios which are murdering themselves by producing humongously expensive (and bad) would be blockbusters.  Anyway, I’ll try to get out for a second showing of GMO, although first priority will be seeing Boy and the Heron.

By the way, although on a paltry number of screens, the film with the highest per theater box office this last week has been…no, not The Marvels. Or Wish. Or Hunger Games. It’s been the Bollywood movie Animal.

Hey, anyone remember the ’70s? When Detroit, used to monopolies, started producing ugly, poorly designed and built cars. This created a void that allowed Asian countries, primarily Japan, to flood the market with cheaper, better made cars.

I don’t know what made me think of that situation right now. Huh.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The Sleeper: “I want fifteen more minutes. Then I’ll get up. The office will have to do without me til then. Heh.”

  • Gamera977

    It’s like Rip Van Wrinkle… ‘ummm, leave me alone, I just wanna sleep for 500 more years…’

  • Gamera977

    It’s great to hear ‘GMO’ is doing so well. And rumors are Hollywood is threatening to go on strike again.

    Oh, I’m sooooooo sad. They’re threating us again. It’s like the old joke about the guy holding a gun to his own head and as his wife laughs at him says: ‘Don’t laugh! You’re next!’

    Do it Hollywood! Do it, I double dog dare you! I triple cat dare you! I quadruple ferret dare you!!!

  • Ken_Begg

    But then I wouldn’t be able to watch…………….

    Oh. Anime is made in Japan. Never mind.