Monster of the Day #3494

Second up was Hapkido, an Angelo Mao martial arts dealie where her two costars were a young Sammo Hung and Carter Wong. How’s that for an all-star cast? It was pretty great. The small boutique blu ray companies (Arrow, Shout Factory, etc.) have been flooding the market lately with wonderful sets and/or special editions of Shaw Bros. and and Golden Harvest kung fu movies. I have (surprise) bought quite a few of them, and they are great.

Next up Sandy showed the 1933 Alice in Wonderland, which I had never seen, It was an affair meant to show off the studio’s stars, although the only ones widely (widely by a certain metric anyway) known are W.C. Fields and Gary Cooper. (I did perceive the voice of character actor Charles Ruggles, though.)  The film is quite trippy and the costumes / make-ups thoroughly weird, and I wondered how many kiddies got nightmares after watching it. After all, two years before this grown adults were fainting in theaters watching Dracula and Frankenstein. This won’t become a favorite of mine, but it was well worth a look.

  • Don’t forget an obscure guy named Cary Grant. And most classic Disney fans know Sterling Holloway as the long time voice of Winnie the Pooh, and the Cheshire Cat in the better known animated adaptation.

    Otherwise, yeah, It’s weird but not otherwise memorable. Definitely the most faithful adaptation to the book, but if that is rather a strength or a weakness I can’t say, given it’s episodic structure. What I refer to as the “things happen until they run out of film” plot e.g. She.

  • Actually it rather reminded me of The Stolen Jools, mostly an excuse to string together as many studio stars as possible. Jools has the distinct advantage of being a) funny and b) short.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’d say if a person was a W.C. Fields completist, they should seek this out.

  • Kirk Draut

    I’m sad that I wasn’t there to fire off horrible egg puns.

  • The Rev.

    Well, I won’t keep you walking on eggshells: the yolk’s on you. We got cracking on them white away. I wrote them all down in an albumin my laptop.

  • I think I’ve had nightmares of that thing and I’ve never seen the flick.

  • By sleeping late omeletting punning opportunities carton by.

    All the good egg puns were used. I shell not press my luck further.

  • Kirk Draut

    Fowl play, both of you.

  • Rock Baker

    By the way, Ken, I think you let that box of tapes slip your attention again. If it offers motivation, my birthday is early in November….

  • Gamera977

    Is Humpty-Dumpty above played by W.C. Fields? The face looks like Henry Daniell to me though.

  • Gamera977

    I’ve moved from Mummy movies to Paul Naschy. Not sure there’s any connection there. Haven’t seen his mummy movie yet.

    I had ‘There’s Nothing Out There’ on my Amazon Prime watch list. Due to the recommendations I watched it last night. Very cool movie, really enjoyed it, thanks!

    And finally mostly finished up a 1/6th 3D printed model of Sadako-san from ‘Ringu’. Still fiddling around with it but mostly done. It’s the scene where she crawls out of the TV at the climax of the film.

  • Eric Hinkle

    That thing looks downright Lovecraftian!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Fields does the voice, though I doubt it’s him in the costume. It’s been years since I saw it, but my recollection is that Fields is okay, but he sounds rather constrained by having to do the dialogue as written.