Monster of the Day #3471

So, they solved yesterday’s problem, but in the end it wasn’t that much of an improvement.

Happy Wednesday, everyone.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    The last two days reminds me of a story Bob Clampett would tell about a fellow cartoonist. Can’t recall who it was but they would catch flies, slow them down by putting them in the refrigerator, and then glue them to little cut out paper airplanes. When they warmed up there would be tiny little airplanes flying around the office. Hope it was true.

  • Rock Baker

    I can’t figure out if this image is meant to be a literal giant spider in the clouds or if it’s supposed to symbolic. Kinda has the look of a War Office poster, doesn’t it?

  • Gamera977

    I remember back in the ’70s people would make these tiny super lightweight model airplanes and glue a fly to them as a power source. These weren’t paper, they were I think super thin slices of balsa wood and some sort of membrane over the wings. They could only be flown indoors, they were so delicate even the lightest breeze would destroy them. I have a book with illustrations but I can’t find it.

  • Eric Hinkle

    In the story it’s an actual giant spider spinning a web in the sky, catching Allied plans and gulping the pilots down. Or at least a massive mock-up of one.

  • Just a little guy!

    There’s an EC comic story about a giant spider catching planes in South America. Didn’t make much sense, over all. Much like this story, I imagine.

  • Gamera977

    Well, I found the book and there’s several photos of super-lightweight model aircraft but none fly propelled. Am I crazy and misremembering this? I swear I saw this somewhere…