Monster of the Day #3464 (Trailer; no thumbnail)

Just released several hours ago. Wow. Continuing with the aesthetic of Shin Godzilla without seeming derivative of it. This looks amazing. Also, with the lack of Hollywood product due to the various strikes (man, that’s really turned your world upside down, I’ll bet), there would be a good chance, I’d think, that this would get a general release unlike Shin Godzilla, which played like one day in theaters. Can’t wait.

Also, three days until Gamera Reborn hits Netflix.

  • We seem to be living good in terms of Giant Monster movies. A whole bunch to chose from.

    Incidentally, a milestone was announced last week involving our favorite monsters. For the first time ever (officially) Godzilla will be able to face Gamera. It’s in, of all things, a mobile game, but that’s still kinda neat. I keep hoping it’ll happen on the big screen. Or, y’know, a real game….

  • Ken_Begg

    I imagine they’d have to make the fight more of a draw, but is it impossible for Legendary to get the rights to bring Gamera into the Monsterverse? Seems like it should be doable. Although Japanese companies can be extremely protective of their properties, so maybe not.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Until a few years ago I never thought I’d see Godzilla in actual released-to-theater movies again.

  • Gamera977

    I can only see it in terms of ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ where we fight and then find out we’ve been set against each other by the villain and then have to team up to fight the ultimate bad guy.

  • Gamera977

    The movie looks pretty friggin’ awesome! Only complaint from me is remaking the original yet again. But I guess it’s the most logical way to go.

    And I hope it airs here. Only other movie I’m interested in is part two of the Denis Villeneuve version of ‘Dune’ and it’s been kicked back to sometime in 2024…

  • Jamie B.

    I love the idea of going back to the beginning. Godzilla was so much a creature of that time following WWII. I want to see what they do with it focusing on the people already dealing with the harsh reality of post-war Japan getting stomped on by an unstoppable force.

  • NathanShumate

    I don’t think that anyone really HAS remade the original before — they’ve restarted the continuity (like, seventeen times), but this one looks like it’s remaking what was a contemporary post-WWII movie as a *period* post-WWII movie. That’s exciting.

    (I think that’s really the way forward for the James Bond franchise, too, but I doubt it will happen.)

  • Gamera977

    You’re right. Not sure what I was thinking. They keep erasing the continuity and going back to the original as you say.

  • NathanShumate

    I would say “Like a more benign version of the repeated trials of socialism,” but that would be inflammatory, so I won’t say any such thing.