Monster of the Day #3461

So last Friday’s Watch Party went old school, with Mesa of Lost Women. Ooof. Maybe 20 minutes of content stretched over 70 minutes. A main character doing a not extremely good Elwood P. Dowd impression. Near constant flamenco guitar on a loop, over and over and over again.

At least it had the giant spider prop from (I think) World Without End and also reused in Missile to the Moon.  Oh, and Uncle Fester.

  • This might have been covered Friday and I missed it, but the pretty lady in the picture (not the spider) is Tandra Quinn. She was driving me nuts during the watch as I knew her from somewhere. At the time I thought it was because she had a look reminiscent of Faith Domergue. It turns out, though, that she was the housekeeper in The Neanderthal Man, one of several good looking gals wasting their time in that film.

    For the curious, she delivers her dialogue there ever bit as thrillingly as in Mesa of the Lost Woman, though to be fair everyone in The Neanderthal Man do a better job at their craft than in Mesa. Excluding the sabretooth tiger, naturally.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Has she been stomping grapes?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Waiting for her armpits to dry. Which honestly would have been much more cinematic and, thus, interesting.

  • Rock Baker

    At least there were a few atmospheric shots of giant spiders, although I think all that stuff was added later. Been a while since I saw it, but I think it began as a non-horror movie about people stuck on the titular mesa and the monster stuff was added after-the-fact (sort of like how REVENGE OF THE VIRGINS began as a western with unseen Indians which were later replaced by topless squaws). As to the spider prop itself, I don’t think it was the one used in CAT-WOMEN OF THE MOON or MISSILE TO THE MOON (that later one, in fact, is rumored to be the prop built for TARANTULA). The specimen here is rather more stiff than those examples. The WORLD WITHOUT END spider (later used in QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE and possibly VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS) was rather more squat and smoother in texture, with shorter legs and a larger head.

  • Killer Meteor

    The flamenco music was by Hoyt Curtin, who went on to write loads of Hanna Barbera tunes.

  • Eric Hinkle

    You know the still makes it look like Jack Webb there is going ga-ga over her gams. “Look at those drumsticks, those thighs. I’m eating good tonight!”