Conspiracy Theory of the Day….

Rachel Zegler is being paid by Jennifer Lawrence to try to make people forget the whole “nobody had ever put a woman in the lead of an action movie because it wouldn’t work – because we were told girls and boys can both identify with a male lead, but boys cannot identify with a female lead’ thing. Yes, yes, that’s what the history of cinema has taught us all right.

Sorry, Ms. Lawrence. Ms. Zegler is doing yeowoman’s work in making an utter ass of herself, but I’m *never* forgetting your remarks. They are just too damn funny.*

(Remember when the woman who stars in Netflix’s most successful show of the last several years, Wednesday, was heavily criticized in the industry trades and on Twitter? Because she threw her weight around in the writers room to make sure the character of Wednesday Addams stayed true to the, well, character of Wednesday Addams? Funny that nobody who criticized her is saying boo about Zegler torpedoing yet another Disney movie.)

  • It’s funny. As a writer I tend to get irritated with stories of people meddling with the story. It’s reflexive, it comes from the vast number of writer horror stories about the situation.

    However, in the case of Jenna Ortega (Wednesday), Henry Cavill (Witcher), and Leonard Nimoy (some fringe sci fi series no one’s ever heard of, Star Trip or Space Trek, I dunno) I tend to liking the actors more for what they did. In each case the changes they wanted done were based on the character, which implies they read the story and have invested interest in the character. That the first two get mocked for this is deeply interesting for me, considering how dumb some actors can be.

    Which leads back to Jennifer Lawrence and Rachel Zegler. On the one hand, you have to think they’re reciting talking points they’ve been given. On the other hand, it would have been better for them in the long run had they gone the route of Ortenga, Cavill, and Nimoy and considered the character they were betraying before opening their mouths.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Ken, I know you’ve reviewed the 1961 killer ape flick Konga here before. Did you know that it got a sequel in 2020 titled Konga TNT? The trailer is on YouTube.

  • Apropos of nothing, 12 years ago today you all tried to blind me with a Nerf dart, before breaking my brain with Jimmy the Boy Wonder.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ah, good times.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Someone on the Critical Drinker’s chat pointed out that Zegler, like almost everyone these days, probably lives entirely on Social Disease Media, and her DM box is filled with “Oh, I love you! You’re so smart and insightful! You should be in charge!” Given those surroundings, it’s no wonder that she finds herself digging a deeper hole out in the real world.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Even Jane Fonda pulled of a hit as a female lead in a western back in the 60s. She did get help from Lee Marvin and his horse.

  • I love that movie, but can’t rewatch it since being old enough to understand the true vileness of Hanoi Jane. Ah well.

  • Gamera977

    How do you know Lee Marvin doesn’t qualify as a woman? After all, who can define ‘woman’????

  • Gamera977

    One of the funnier things I saw about the whole thing with Lawrence was in the YouTube comments section a bunch of guys were listing female action stars and some guy was claiming they didn’t count…

    Ellen Ripley – she wasn’t the lead in the Alien films so she didn’t count. (Um, wasn’t she the lead in two and the later films?)

    Sarah Conner- she wasn’t the lead, Arnold was so she doesn’t count. (Um, yeah whatever).

    Michelle Yeoh in lots of films – she’s not a ‘action actress’. (Um, most of her earlier stuff she’s martial arts fighting people- that’s not ‘action’???)

  • Eric Hinkle

    Oh for -! Talk about playing word games.

    Then again some years ago Ursula LeGuin supposedly said that until recently (the 90’s? the oughts, or the teens?) ‘no women wrote SF’. When someone pointed out C. L. Moore and Leigh Brackett, she just sniffed and said they ‘didn’t count’.

  • KeithB

    Hello, Andre Norton?

  • Eric Hinkle

    She didn’t count because you couldn’t tell she was a woman by her pen name. Even though everyone knew she was a woman. Seriously, that’s what they said.

  • I despise LeGuin. so desperate to be seen as smart and part of the intellectual alphabet crowd, that she participated in the erasure of her own sex.

  • Gamera977

    Plus Madeline L’Engle, Kate Wilhelm, Tanith Lee, and Anne McCaffery.

    Guess none of them are women either……

    Funny I’ve been reading ‘Weird Tales’ magazines from the ’30 -the ’40s and generally at least one story in every issue is written by a woman.

    Aka in the current issue there’s a story by an Alice Harding.

    Unless of course like Alice Cooper she was a dude….

  • Mary Shelly would like to have a word with Ms. LeGuin…

  • Eric Hinkle

    It’s been suggested that to the sort of people who say these sort of things, there can’t have been any “real” women writing SF or headlining movies before them or they’re not special.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Again, she doesn’t count. For some reason.

  • Eric Hinkle

    That seems to happen once a decade or so in SF and fantasy, when the latest no-talent rages that they’re the first “real woman” to ever write SF. Because if they’re not, then they’re nothing at all.

  • Ken_Begg

    Show biz has always been soul-destroying, especially for the young. Social media, though, has probably multiplied that by a thousand.

  • Ken_Begg

    I’m with you! However, at least you can just watch the Nat King Cole bits.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’ll say this for Rachel Zegler. Unlike Michelle Rodriguez, she had to work to become unlikable.