Monster of the Day #3452

Man, again, wonderful painting.

Thanks to everyone who showed up for the watch party. We watched out Jabootu subject The Hell Squad, a particularly inept (but somehow lovable) ’80s action flick. Thank you, Jennifer Lawrence! I said it during the show several times, but I’ll say it again:  It was a thousand times more watchable than the recent Kristin Stewart Charlie’s Angels movie. Anyway, we’ll do it again a week from Friday.

Anyway, Happy Monday everyone.

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Bug spray. Makes sense.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The blurb for this one from Steeger Books:

    Sinisterly beckoning, the long bony finger signaled Manhattan to its
    mass death—slaying hundreds of helpless victims who dared sink into a
    sleep from which there could be no awakening this side of hell! While
    the Underworld’s lawless hordes looted, only Richard Wentworth, as the
    Spider, dared fight, die and fight again for a fear-crazed people
    against a murder-Morpheus whose human quarry drowsed into death—and
    whose grim weapon was a Slaying Sandman sworn to turn New York into a
    Slumberland of Slaughter!