B-Fest tickets on sale right now!!!

Norris University Box Office, 847/491-2305.  B-Fest is Jan 30/31st.

Sorry, just learned.  I know our group will be waaaay down this year, so I’m not sure tickets will sell out, but better safe than sorry.  Anyone needing details, leave a message or drop me a line at ken@jabootu.com.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Some year I hope to go to B-Fest. That year is not this one, however.

  • Everyone is welcome, and I’ll be glad to aid anybody who comes in. But in terms of networking (meeting people to hang out with), this is the worst one ever, it looks like. T-Fest this summer in Dallas would be a much better option.

  • Petoht

    I’d love to go and meet everyone, but working weekends makes it difficult. Maybe next year.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    I had such plans for this B-Fest, and then the lady of the house got laid off at the end of November.

    My resolution for this year is to make it to B-Fest 2010, even if I *shudder* have to ride a bus to get there.