Monster of the Day #3385

So, back to German pulp covers. I looked at Chad R’s list of everything we watched on T-Fest weekend and realized we barely watched anything with a monster it. It wouldn’t be until Monday night, after like 10 more movies, that we showed Ship of Monsters for those who hadn’t seen it. And I’ve featured that movie like five times here, so I’ll skip it. The last thing we watched (on Tuesday) before heading home was a monster movie, and we’ll get to it, but I don’t have time before work to even briefly comment on 12 other movies first. So…later.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Definitely a repeat, but worth it.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, it’s magnificent!

  • I think of the number less as a ranking, where each Monster has an immovable place, and more of an issue covering a subject. Issue 20XX might have the same monster as Issue 21XX, but the coverage is different.

  • Manly Reading

    Ah, that’s Jack Vance’s The Kragen/Blue World being illustrated there. Difficult to film, that one.