Monster of the Day #3376

We ended on our usual kaiju film. I picked Gamera Super Monster because its so damn goofy. Pleasingly, Chad first say Gamera vs Jiger on the multi-film disc menu, and got very excited. His cries of pain upon realizing which film we were actually watching were pretty sweet. That said, as objectively awful as the film is, with its clunky space superhero women team and the organ-playing—literally organ-playing, you weirdo—and tons of stock footage and the baldly outrageous use of Star Destroyers as the bad aliens ships and the even more jaw-dropping shot of the animated spaceship from the Battleship Yamato anime to the cheap plastic Gamera used in some shots…it’s craptastic.

And so ended Basement Fest 2023.

  • KeithB

    “Shhh! This is my favorite part of the movie!”

  • The Rev.

    Yeah, Ken sucker-punched me here. I feel like Gamera vs. Jiger doesn’t get enough love, usually relegated to the bottom half of the Showa series when I personally think it should be third after Barugon and Gyaos (Viras spends a third of the running time on stock footage, and Guiron’s hilariously bad, but it’s still bad). So, yes, I’m probably the world’s biggest champion of Jiger*, and instead Ken plays this crap.

    If it’d been my first Gamera movie, I would’ve been able to appreciate all the stock footage as something I had not seen, but instead I saw it well after most of the others (Jiger and Viras being hard for me to find in my youth) so that left me plenty of time to dwell on how odious this particular Kenny is and how useless the “heroes” were and how little anyone could act and how bad the new effects were, etc. I don’t revisit this one if I can help it, and this viewing just reaffirmed that for me.

    *And yes, Jiger being prominently featured in the trailer for the upcoming cartoon made me very happy.

  • Oh look! Gamera’s an anime fan!

    God I hate this “movie”.

  • Gamera v. Jiger is up there in the early Gameras.

  • Rock Baker

    This is off topic, but can any of you help me by burning DVD’s? I have links to archives of cartoon shows I want to have on disk because that’s the only way I can watch them (and they have to be properly formatted, to boot, since I have a tube television set). I can’t make disks myself, but can any of you help me, or know anyone who can?

  • KeithB

    If you get an old Mac you can use iDVD. (Not *that* old, 2010 -2015 or so.)

  • Gamera977

    Yeah as I said the lead actress, the lady wrestler, is pretty cute but that’s about the only good thing I can say about this dog of a film.