Monster of the Day #3372

So after Kraa we completely switched gears. Chad R showed Murder He Says, a 1945 murder comedy starring Fred MacMurray that’s probably the best thing you’re going to find as a cofeature for Arsenic and Old Lace. Ma Kettle also stars in it. Although MacMurray later was know for playing ditherers (Absent Minded Professor) and stolid patriarchs (My Three Sons), in the ’40s he generally played slick young dudes, as in here and Double Indemnity. I like MacMurray in this, he’s in constant danger, but is clearly always thinking, and never seems completely out of his depth. Fun movie.

Not so fun was our next film. We thought we were lucky to get Joe Bannerman (former B-Master) to attend our gala. Then he replays us by showing the abominable shot on video for three dollars Things (1989). Just so you know, Joe Bannerman is a dick.

  • This was at least the third time I’ve been subjected to Things and I still can’t give enough of a damn about it to hate it. It isn’t even a movie in any reasonable sense of the term.

  • Gamera977

    After watching a lot of ‘My Three Sons’ as a kid MacMurry is kinda stuck in my head as ‘TV dad’…

    ‘Things’? Another film I don’t think I’ve even heard of much less watched.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The movie budget for Things was abut three bucks, and it still failed to turn a profit. Now that’s bad.

  • Now here’s a movie on the List that I don’t care if I ever do see.

  • The Rev.

    I don’t know what Things is, but it is not a film. It’s just a bunch of…well, things. This was my second time with it, and much like GJ, I should objectively hate it, but it’s such a weird experience that I can’t really summon that much feeling toward it. I’m strangely ambivalent toward it, even though it’s pretty rough going during the running time. And if this comment makes no sense, well, that’s Things for you.

  • And now I have to see Things.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Me too

  • The Rev.

    I assure you, you really, really don’t. But I can’t stop you.