Monster of the Day #3371

Well, we never did explicate what our little group watched at Basement Fest ’23. The first Basement Fest was held because they had cancelled B-Fest because of Covid. However, a goodly portion of the regular B-Fest people decided they liked this one better–we pick the movies, my friends Paul and Holly have a swank screening room with huge leather recliners, etc. So I went to B-Fest (with Chad R), as previously explicated here, and also ran Basement Fest.

The first movie was provided by the Rev, and it was 1998’s Kraa the Sea Monster. Not the best thing ever, but no where near the worst, either. A great monster suit and some handmade miniatures buy a lot of credit from yours truly. Also they were smart enough to keep it short. Too bad the guys who made it weren’t able to continue working in this vein.

  • The Rev.

    As I said afterward, considering the improvement between Zarkorr the Invader! and this one, in about two more movies I think they’d have really had something.

    I was playing a risky game, as I’ve seen Zarkorr but not this. All I knew was that it was supposed to be better, but that’s a very low bar. Happily, it proved to be a fun little romp that went down fairly easy. And the monster stuff was great. It made me happy to hear everyone cheer each time Kraa showed up.

  • Rock Baker

    Odd mostly in that it’s obviously a movie made out of another movie which was itself made out of another movie. Would’ve been interesting to see what the original version would’ve been like before it got an Al Adamson treatment, but the final version does boast some pretty teen girls in tight jumpsuits so it’s hard to complain much that it developed into the movie it did.

  • NathanShumate

    Odd note on both Kraa and Zarkorr: Charles Band asked Michael Deak to give him about ten minutes of generic giant monster footage for each, and then they’d build the rest of the features around them. So even though they both feel like they were repurposing footage from other projects, they weren’t. (No, it makes no sense to me either.)

  • Gamera977

    Two more movies I’ve heard of but never seen. I guess I should give ‘Kraa’ a whirl???

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Sounds kraa kraa

  • The Rev.

    Yeah, I’d say Kraa is worth a go if you like giant monster movies and are willing to forgive its general silliness (it was clearly aimed at a younger audience). Zarkorr, you’re better off finding a compilation of the monster footage on YouTube and leaving it at that, as you’ll have seen the only parts of the movie that aren’t an utter drag. Plus you’re only out about four and a half minutes instead of the 80 minutes you would be watching the whole thing.