Monster of the Day #3343

For those asking, Where’s the monster?, I’ll quote Mike Nelson: “Oh, it’s a regular cat.”

T-Rex’s stand upright, the Titanic went down in one piece and skeletons are one unit that stay together. Shut up.

  • zombiewhacker

    Unreleased Aurora model kit prototype – Forgotten Prisoner of Castle Mare… and Suzy!

  • Look at that poor girl’s eyes. Her gaze isn’t on the mad man with a knife. It’s on someone (or something ) behind him. No doubt the insane corpse.

    And let’s think about the insane corpse a second. How does that work, exactly? Do the sane corpses have to take it to a sanitarium, where the corpse Psychologists and corpse nurses try to help it regain its sanity? Instead of men in white coats claiming it, corpses in white coats?

    How deep down the rabbit hole– excuse me, down the grave does this go?

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    The cats do not care what is happening. Want to know who is going to feed them.

  • This is off topic, but anyone with an interest in Eighties Horror might want to check out She Came Out of the Woods. At the end of every summer a group of camp councilors perform a little Bloody Mary ritual, trying to raise the spirit of a dead loony. This year it works, and the councilors start dying one by one. It isn’t very scare, though it has some very spooky visual moments, and it’s a lot better written than the flicks its inspired by.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Hey Cullen. I was going to follow up on this, but now I am confused…

    IMDB does not have any film called “She Came Out of the Woods”, but it DOES have “She Came From the Woods”, and it looks like what you describe. Actually, two of them — 2017, and 2022. If these are the right ones, which one did you watch?

  • She Came From the Woods is the right one. I sometimes have problems with the long titles.

  • Gamera977

    I’d buy it!!!

  • Gamera977

    ‘Hurry up and stop horsing around!?! We’re HUNGERY!!!’

  • Gamera977

    Sounds cool! Thanks for the head’s up!

  • Gamera977

    Didn’t watch anything really stupid over the weekend. Worst thing was ‘City Hunter’ on FreeVee. A Jackie Chan vehicle the worst part was the dubbing, why does everyone have to dub stuff with high-pitched goofy voices? I mean it is a comedy but still gee whiz.

    That and Chan for one segment is dressed as Chun Li from ‘Street Fighter’.

    Jackie Chan’s hairy legs sticking out of a mini-skirt… that’s 100% nightmare fuel right there…