Monster of the Day #3331

Oh, yeah. There was a time when companies gave customers what they wanted.

I like the cake dish space helmet.

  • Gamera977

    What? You guys never put mom’s cake dish on your head and pretended to be a spaceman???

    And each of those stories other than the change of local sound like almost exactly the same thing. Earther arrives on some alien planet (or moon) and ends up helping the natives repel the bad guys to win the hand of some beautiful alien lass. I like pulp but way too much of it was bad copies of ERB ‘A Princess of Mars’.

  • My life, ladies and gentlemen! Or at least it would be in a properly run universe.

    Stupid universe…

  • 🐻 bgbear_rnh

    Smokey says: Please don’t use energy weapons in dry grass, it could start a prairie fire. The use conventional projectile weapons recommended.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Not really. I have a reprint of this from Adventure House, and it runs a gamut of sword-and-planet and space opera too. This was also the first issue of the magazine; afterwards they started to get some very original stories from people like Leigh Brackett, Poul Anderson, and Fredric Brown. ‘The Saga of Mitkey Mouse’ is terrific.

  • Gamera977

    Thanks for the correction Eric! I’d been reading some old Weird Tales and they got a little crazy with copies of ERB wanna-bes. Good to know this was much better.

    My apologies- I guess in this case I did literally judge the book by it’s cover….

  • Eric Hinkle

    Well, they did have their share of ERB-clones too. It’s just that they published other stuff as well. And the ERB stuff was so common because it was popular back then. If you were a hungry writer and needed a quick sale for grocery money it must have been mighty tempting to crank one out.