For what it’s worth…

I didn’t want to promise a ‘review’ instead of a nugget for this weekend because I hadn’t started the piece yet and the pieces go as long as they need to.  (Although many may dispute the ‘need’.)  Well, ten minutes into a fairly long movie and the article is sufficiently lengthy to allow me to go ahead and say review.

I’ve also got a Roundtable piece due this month, and then I’ll try to keep the momentum going from there.  I realize I’ve not exactly been setting the world on fire for a while…really, since I returned from my purportedly ‘re-energizing’ sabbatical.  I want to thank everyone for keeping the faith, a point brought home yet again by the small by intense reaction to the site going down last week.

Hopefully this week’s review will have extra luv in it, since per tradition I’ll be taking off my birthday (who wants to work on their birthday?), and in lieu of working will spend the day plowing through a review I really should have started to a lot earlier.  Story of my life.

Seriously, though, thanks again.  You guys are the greatest.

  • Bryan

    Always worth a wait for your fantastic reviews.

  • Pip

    And there’s a thunderhead on the horizon, now sixteen pages into the stratosphere, that is slowly rearing up. It is veined in green lightning and thunder rolls before it. Its anvil is red and its rain is blood.

  • “Pip Vandergeld went forth.
    Her thoughts were red thoughts
    and her teeth were white.
    Her enemies called to peace,
    but she brought them death.
    Pip Vandergeld the Beautiful.”

  • Why do people love you so much more than me? Why? WHY?

  • Oh, please, Nathan, like you haven’t figured out the ‘shock surprise’ secret of my site–I have no visitors, I’m schizophrenic and everybody who comments here is one of my myriad personalities.

    Well, not myriad. More like however many Sybil had.

  • Great! I always KNEW I was a figment of my own imagination.

  • fish eye no miko

    Yaz, a new review!

    Awww.. I love your stuff, Nathan! Every week about Wednesday, I go to your Site in hopes there’s a new review up…

  • Wait — Ken, even the voices in your head love you??? That’s SO unfair!

  • Yeah. The voices in *my* head just tell me to kill people. *pouts*

  • Bryan

    Whatcha talkin’ ’bout Nathan! I sent you an email a few weeks ago praising you and the Head. Eesh, the fragile egos around these parts…