Monster of the Day #3361

Not that anyone but me (and to a lesser extend the Rev) really cares, but the word has been given; Overlord Season 4 will start in the July (summer) anime season. Wheeee! I assume the theatrical movie will premiere next year some time.

  • The Rev.


    It’s cool that we’re going to be seeing more dwarves this season. I think we’ve only seen one so far, if I remember correctly, in one of the adventuring parties. Also kind of interesting that we haven’t seen any elves, aside from the twins in Nazarick.

  • Ken_Begg

    This is the arc (not a spolier, it’s where season 3 leaves off) where Ainz / Nazarick is announcing it’s presence on the world stage, and they will be forging their own kingdom with Ainz as the Sorcerer King. I believe as with the previously introduced Lizard Men, the plan is to co-opt various demihuman races who haven’t always had the best relationships with humans, especially the racist Slane Theocracy. Anyway, should be fun.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I will say that it looks impressive. I am curious about the wolf-looking critters we get very brief glimpses of.

  • Ken_Begg

    The *huge* cast of characters is one of the show’s greatest strengths. And they are adding whole nations and races this time around, so it should be a trip.

  • Ken_Begg

    The much abused woman slaves of the one doucehbag adventurer who gets killed by Hamsuke during the invasion of Nazarick were elves.

  • The Rev.

    Oh, right you are, I had forgotten about them. To be fair I’ve only gone through the show once so far*, although I’ll definitely be revisiting it with the new season forthcoming.

    *I have revisited a few choice episodes, though. Like Ep. 9 of the first season. For some reason I reeeeeeeeeally enjoy that one. Heh.

  • casey01

    I’m going to have to re-watch the last season. Between the anime, the manga, and the light novels, I tend to forget where the story is in a given medium.