Amazon Watch Party on January 7th?

Anyone up for that date? Just checking.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I don’t have anything scheduled at the moment, so fine by me.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Sounds good to me.

  • I have no complaints.

  • Gamera977

    It’s fine by me!

  • Eric Hinkle

    I hope I can be there. What time would it be?

  • The Rev.

    They’re usually 9 pm EST.

    As far as I know I’d be free that evening.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, sorry, 9:00 PM EST will be our usual time slot. We have to accommodate people on both coasts.

  • Great for us!

  • Alejandor

    I made a rookie mistake a while ago and told you that the time worked well for us Europeans… Turns out that what I thought it is 3PM is 3AM, so in principle I will remain an interested bystander :-) I still hope to be able to join for a late night eventually. Have fun!

  • Ken_Begg

    Stupid big world! I don’t know if we’ll ever have the chance to start one at noon my time, but maybe someday!

  • Jamie B.

    Whatever GalaxyJane says.