The Fall of the House of Petersen….

Sandy for whatever reason (pity? barely suppressed scorn? a mania for self-destruction) interviewed me when last I was in Texas. He has now followed through with his mad scheme to post the results on his YouTube channel, Sandy of Cthulhu. For the remainder of who you not yet met me in the all too ample flesh–it’s true, the camera adds 75 lbs, and for some reason I also got Sandy’s 75 lbs–here’s a cheap way to learn how regretful an experience it is. Surely Cullen would have profited from an online disappointment rather than having to meet me in person to experience the full scope of disappointment.

As you’d expect, and as I trenchantly predicted to Sandy at the time, this video has the lowest viewership numbers of any of his videos. It currently sits at a paltry 697 views. However, if everyone who still comes here watched the video, I am sure we can push it up to 700 views.

I assume if someone watches it here it’s credited to the YouTube page? If not, maybe it would be better for you fellows to go watch it on YouTube.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Actually, I can’t wait for part two.

  • This is the honest to God’s truth. I spent months looking forward to that trip. The drive down, T-Fest, and the drive back. All the bad stuff happened on Friday while I was on the road. Because the literal stop and go traffic in the middle of nowhere was hard to top. At one point I had to slam on my breaks to stop from rear ending a semi, then had the pleasure of watching the car behind me swerve into the shoulder to avoid giving me a personal greeting.

    Everything else? Great. Even the gated community surprise was hilarious to me.

    This video, as good as it is, doesn’t equal that experience.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’m looking forward to the sequels (Sandy said he plans at least 2). I wonder what the titles will be? Jabootu 2: Electric Boogaloo and Jabootu 3: in super 3-D both sound great to me.

    And it was a joy to finally see you in the flesh. Well, onscreen, anyway.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, there’s a lot of flesh. I know the camera or memory failed following the very last part of the interview, wherein Sandy and I talked about Curse of Bigfoot being my own ‘first’ bad movie. There was stuff before that that actually got recorded, though. I’d think there’s enough for another segment, but that’s probably it.