Fuck you, Whoopi Goldberg…

Ms. Goldberg gives her thoughts on Sarah Palin’s convention speech last week.

“This girl is dangerous to me. This is a very dangerous woman, because I believe for her intents and purposes, she’s OK if everybody lives a certain way, that is to say, the way God ordained men and women to be. Well, already she’s breaking that because she’s the daddy. She’s going to run the country and the husband is going to take care of the kids. I just found the whole thing sad and very musty and very much like a Bund rally, but maybe that was just me.”

I’d being even more pissed off if I were a Democrat. Hateful idiots like are killing that brand. Also, nice use of ‘girl.’ Gee, that’s not sexist. And sorry she’s not living up (nor is anyone else) to your retarded cartoon vision of what a Christian or conservative or Christian conservative is supposed to be. You’d think you guys would have learned after waiting with drool in your mouths for the evangelical backlash to the news that Dick Cheney’s daughter was a lesbian. But that would mean giving up some of your precious illusions of moral and intellectual superiority, wouldn’t it?

And par for the course, Whoopi’s remarks are clueless as well as stupid and hatemongering. Uh, which candidate was it that recently gave a speech in front of hundreds of thousands of enraputured, cheering and frenzied Germans? It wasn’t Palin. So good analogy to draw there, princess.

Of course, that’s all you’ve got, isn’t it?

UPDATE: Ms. Goldberg does nail one important difference between Ms. Palin and her preferred presidential candidate, however. As Ms. Goldberg muses, Palin seems “OK if everybody lives a certain way, that is to say, the way God ordained men and women to be.”

And Barack Obama? “OK” hell! He’s not willing to let people live in a certain way, he’ll be demanding it! Explain, Mrs. Michelle Obama: “Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.”

Point, Obama! Get ready to be told how to live, and to LOVE it, America!

  • Blackadder

    Goldberg’s comments were fairly gratuitous (so is implying Obama is a Nazi, but it’s your site). I wouldn’t call the Democratic brand dead however; the Democrats are virtually guaranteed expanded majorities in both houses of Congress this year, so prepare to grind your teeth over that. The problem with the presidential race, which may indeed go to McCain, is that Obama is a fairly weak candidate. Had the Democrats run a white southern governor, McCain (also basically a weak candidate due to age and the fact that any senator must change his position – “flip flop” – a lot in order to get things done in Washington) would have lost in a landslide. As it is, it’s too close to call. Whether Palin helps or hurts McCain is an interesting question. Her relatively extreme views (compared to McCain) may hurt him in some of the northern, blue-ish swing states. On the other hand her views may help turnout in the south and prevent Obama from capturing VA or NC. On the gripping hand, I’m not sure anyone ever won or lost an election based on the running mate. We’ll just have to see how it plays out.

  • The fact that McCain is weak (and boy, is he) pretty much confirms what I said. I didn’t say the Democratic brand was dead, I said people like Goldberg are helping to kill it. Frankly, just from sheer party fatigue the Democrats should be walking into the White House this year. Instead, they are forced to fight and scrape and have to realy battle for it.

    The point is, noting that Obama and McCain and Palin and Biden are all questionable candidates (although only Palin in my opinion should be getting better as things go along) is all fair game observation. Basically coming out and calling Palin a nazi isn’t, and this kind of crap isn’t helping Obama any. The whole point is that any thinking person should revile remarks like this. Most do, I think.

  • sardu

    Actually, Sarah Palin (and make no mistake, this election will be about electing her, not McCain) is going to clean up in states like OH and PA, where outside of the major cities people are far more interested in a strong, principled anti-corruption candidate than being partisan. The out-pouring of vitriol over her of the type usually reserved for people like Newt Gingrich and Pat Buchanan simply shows that they see how strong and persuasive a candidate she really is. I wouldn’t bet money just yet but with the GOP base this energized and Obama’s weaknesses, as you admit, becoming clearer every day this election may turn out more like Nixon/McGovern than Bush/Gore. Whoopie’s (and the left’s in general) reaction is more akin to Sauron/s when Frodo dropped the ring in the Cracks Of Doom…

  • sardu

    Sorry everyone, didn’t mean to yell- I misused the *bold* tag…

  • Blackadder

    I wouldn’t predict a landslide based on a few days of polling. A week ago, Obama was leading by eight points. McCain has just as many fundamental weaknesses as Obama, albeit different ones. The polls will snap back to a tie in a week or so and then it will be another squeaker in November…

  • I have to admit, I don’t see a landslide happening. I think there’s more chance of a GOP landslide (not to much vote totals as electoral college figures) than a Dem one, but I think the race will remain pretty close. If Palin does very well in the debate–and oddly I think more people will check that out than the presidential one this year–that would perhaps push things in that direction.

    I still think this is Obama’s to lose. The thing is, though, he is currently losing ground. He’s got to staunch the bleeding, and stuff like Goldberg’s comments aren’t helping, certainly not in the aggregate.

    I do find Palin a very exciting candidate though, and unless she proves to be an empty suit (not that that’s stopped Obama), she’ll be the presumptive Republican nominee next time whether her ticket wins or loses. So that’s cool.

  • sardu

    Just to be clear, I’m not projecting a landslide, I’m only saying that the possibility *could* be there that it would happen, whereas such an assertion would have been outright laughable two weeks ago. This would be an electoral landslide btw, not a popular one. I’m really not going by the polls either, though the fact that Obama is in a fight now and not surfing comfortably at 12-20 points ahead is significant. I simply think that there’s evidence everywhere the GOP has made a major shift from voting for a weak candidate against the other side to voting FOR a strong ticket and I think the momentum will increase over the next two months and Obama has already peaked. So I do say this *might* be a blowout. Really though, my own personal prediction right now would be a comfortable but not overwhelming win for McCain. We’ll see…

  • Brandi

    Are political articles like this going to be more frequent?

    I’d like to know in case I’d be better off removing your RSS feed until, oh, March 2009.

    Sorry, man.

  • Pip

    November 10th should do it. End of baseball; end of election. (laughs)

  • Don’t worry, Brandi, I won’t blog every time a celebrity calls us nazis. I don’t need the hand cramps.

  • “Don’t worry, Brandi, I won’t blog every time a celebrity calls us nazis. I don’t need the hand cramps.”

    Why blog about it at all? Whoopi Goldberg once again said something hateful and ignorant towards conservatives and you flew into a rage why? Shouldn’t this be par for the course by now? Besides, when was the last time Whoopi Goldberg was relevant? TI simply do not understand why so many on the conservative side who keep telling us who cares what celebrities think go batshit every single time a dumb lefty celeb says something inflammatory about Republicans. Hate to break it to you Ken but much of what you just posted in this little tirade wasn’t that far off from the comments that set you off..

  • “Why blog about it at all?”

    I don’t know. Because it’s my blog and I felt like it.

    “Hate to break it to you Ken but much of what you just posted in this little tirade wasn’t that far off from the comments that set you off.”

    Uhm, OK. Other than accusing anybody of being a nazi, I guess.

  • You’re right; it’s your blog and you can post whatever you want. But you responded to a vitriolic screed by an irrelevant Hollywood personality with your own vitriolic tantrum. Sorry, Ken, that’s all this post was. Hope you feel better now.

    By the way, “Hateful idiots like are killing that brand.”

    I wasn’t aware either political party had a monopoly on hateful idiots giving their side a bad name.

  • joeybot

    Pussy grabber in chief.