Monster of the Day #3240

Amazon Prime has (yay!) added all the new and old Gamera movies. They are in nice widescreen presentations, and are the Japanese versions with subtitles. (Sorry, Rock.) You could do far worse for something to do this weekend than watch Gamera vs Gaos followed by Gamera Guardian of the Universe.

  • Gamera977

    And a polite request – if you’re going to have another actor bite your toes please practice good foot hygiene. I took me weeks to get the taste of Gyaos’ stinky toes off my palate….

    I think I noticed ‘Gamera: The Brave’, the latest Gammy film on Amazon Prime too. It’s a kids movie but I enjoyed it wholeheartedly. If you’re tired of the dark angry stuff Hollyweird seems fixated on these days it’s a sweet innocent just plain FUN kids movie.

  • Gamera977

    BTW: Has anyone here seen the Japanese movies ‘Machine Girl’ and/or ‘Robo-Geisha’? I think I posted a month or so ago that I’d seen ‘Dead Sushi’ on Amazon Prime and loved it. I looked for the Blu-Ray/DVD but it’s currently out of print. These are by the same director and are in print. Just wondering if they’re worth a look.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I liked the fairly recent Gamera movies, though I can’t remember their titles (Attack of Legion or something). Other than those, I find them mostly silly and reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly padded.

  • Ken_Begg

    I heard Gyaos ate a bunch of onions right before your love scene. What a dick.

  • Ken_Begg

    Gamera Guardian of the Universe / Gamera 2: Attack of Legion/ Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris. All are terrific. As for the originals, the silliness is the best part. And it’s mostly the later ones that are overly padded, when they cut the budgets and started heavily cutting in stock footage.

  • Personally I’d vote Gamera vs. Barugon over Gyaos, but that’s just me.

  • Gamera977

    And several loaves of garlic bread.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah the ’90s movies are uniformly excellent. The Showa films incorporate increasing amounts of stock footage as they go along. Gamera Super Monster, the last of the original films, is at least half or more reused footage.

  • Rock Baker

    Ha! I have a DVD of a nice widescreen presentation which offers BOTH dub tracks! (Those being the International dub done in China and the Titra dub done by AIP State-side -it’s odd to note that the characters sound more Japanese the farther away the dub was made from Japan itself.) Plus, since it’s on a DVD, I’m not limited to a computer screen in order to enjoy it.

    Kidding aside, this particular film (originally known here as THE RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTERS) is one solid Japanese monster flick. It might be the best non-Toho entry in the cycle. I don’t know how controversial that statement might be, but it’s only competition for the title that I’m aware of is MONSTER FROM A PREHISTORIC PLANET.

  • zombiewhacker

    I have all the MST3K eps on DVD, so I’m fine.


    Good news is Joel Hodgson has announced that the next season of MST3K will include a riff of Gamera vs. Monster X.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, everyone is entitled to be WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!

  • I know! How could anyone not see the wonders and glories of Barugon? It baffles the mind!

  • The Rev.

    I haven’t seen Dead Sushi so I can’t really compare them, but I enjoyed Machine Girl pretty well and have seen it a couple of times. Robo-Geisha I’ve only seen once; it was uneven in terms of entertaining batshittery vs. just plain weird (or having humor that just didn’t scan for me), but is definitely worth seeing once if you already like that style of movie.

  • Gamera977

    Thanks! I found trailers to both of them and some other ‘Tokyo Shock’ films on YouTube including the complete film of ‘The Machine Girl’. Though with very bad video and a horrible dub. I liked it but I think the Blu-Ray a little on the expensive side. I may pick them up, haven’t decided yet.

    Thanks for your opinion, believe me it helps!!!