A Fool and his Money 07/04/2021

First of all, Happy Independence Day, everyone. God bless America.

So, Amazon had a an item I wanted on a deep sale, and a coupon for another item I had on my wish list (used to keep track of things I eventually want to buy, especially if the price drops enough). The two items in total were about $110, minus the $12 coupon. So $98 dollars. Plus $10 tax (so the coupon basically covered the tax). Finally I had about a $30 credit on my Amazon Points on my credit card from previous purchases. So the actual money cost for this order around $80, although the points/credit are basically fungible money in a way, so it could be argued I still paid $110. Whatever.

I had already had my eye on Years of Lead, Arrow’s new set of Italian policiers, basically Italy’s run of sleazier, more violent flicks inspired by Dirty Harry. Many of them are pretty great. So Arrow recently put out a five film box set of some of them. The set lists at $100, which arguably at $20 a film isn’t outrageous, especially with the remastered presentations and extras. However, it was a tad high based on my interest in this material, although I do like them. Luckily, though, Amazon is currently selling the set for $50, half price, and at that price it’s definitely attractive.

The box features three discs in separate cases. Two of the discs, obviously, offer two films. Those two cases feature flippable box art so that you can pick the movie you want showcased. Disc 1 features Savage Three and Like Rabid Dogs. The second disc features Colt 38 Special Squad and Highway Racer. Finally, its own disc is No The Case is Happily Resolved. All feature new scans taken from the original camera negatives, as well as copious interviews with actors and filmmakers, and a featurette here and there. I don’t see any indication of commentaries or anything.

There’s also a nice little Blu Ray case-sized, squarebound 60 page book featuring articles on the films and lots of color photos. Very nice.

The second item, again bought because of the coupon, was the blu ray set for the second season of Jon Pertwee’s Doctor Who. Honestly, even with the initial $10 Amazon discount, and the $12 coupon, I probably could have gotten it cheaper later at some point. But meh, it’s definitely worth $48, and you want to grab this stuff before it’s memory holed/digitally altered.

The set features the arcs Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, The Claws of Axos, Colony in Space and The Daemons. The latter provided the Brigadier’s signature line, “Jenkins! Chap with the wings there, five rounds rapid.” That’s a whopping set of classic Who, and I can’t say that set isn’t worth what I paid for it. And now I have it and until the firemen come around to my trailer, it’s safely in my possession.

Anyway who knows the releases from the past knows the zillions of extras you get, with long detailed making of documentaries, interviews, commentaries featuring directors, writers, the actors and the like. New to the Blu Ray set is updated special effects (meh), and lot more stuff. Anyway, good stuff.

  • *The Daemons* in particular is absolutely top-notch Who. One of several Brit SF TV takes on *The Wicker Man* and the then-popular ideas of what British Paganism was. *Children of the Stones* was another.

    But Pertwee is *my* Doctor and all of them are worth watching, although I was surprised (had forgotten) that Jo Grant is actually not yet completely useless in her first two outings. Mind of Evil is probably my second favorite of the season, although having The Master be the ultimate mastermind behind every. single. plot of the season gets a bit old.

  • Gamera977

    Awesome! I need to do the same. It’s just there’s some many seasons of The Doctor that’s it’s a bit daunting to start. Guess I should start the same way I watched the series beginning with the Fourth Doctor and then moving out to the Third and the Fifth. I was never that much of a fan of the Sixth or Seventh so I guess I could skip those. It had more to do with bad scripts than Colin Baker or McCoy though. Loved the First but never saw enough of the Second to really form an opinion.

  • I rather like the new Doctor Who effects I’ve seen. I also like that you can go “old school” if you want. Best of both worlds that way

  • Ken_Begg

    GJ and I have definite ideas about overusing characters. We once nominated (respectively) Moriarty and Irene Adler as characters who should be sealed off for about 20 years. I’d say the Master probably fell into that overuse thing too. Although I think–GJ?–this is when the Doctor was still exiled to Earth, so having the Master around every corner makes somewhat more sense then when if the two were gallivanting around all space and time.

    I haven’t seen these since my local PBS station played them back in the ’70s (!), so I look forward to giving them a look. I do remember both Mind of Evil and The Daemons are pretty great.

  • Ken_Begg

    I have bought the early seasons for Baker that have made availlable–the first and the fourth, maybe? I definitely want them to release the season with Seeds of Doom. The other Baker season they have put out on Blu Ray is the last season, I have to admit, I didn’t like those later seasons as much, and don’t intend to buy them. My first exposure to the Doctor proper–not counting having seen the Cushing movies as a tot–was Pertwee, and I never really got past my preference for the Doctor being on Earth fighting aliens alongside UNIT. I did buy whatever season of Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor, because I have never seen those and have heard he was good. So I’ve got two seasons of Baker, two of Pertwee, and one of McCoy.

  • Ken_Begg

    I do like them offering them as extras. You can watch what you prefer, and that’s great.

  • Yes, this is dead center of the 3 seasons of Earth exile, that doesn’t end until after *The Three Doctors* at the beginning of Pertwee’s 4th season.

    And boy, the new series waited long enough before reintroducing The Master, but quickly fell back in the trap of overusing the character. I gave up part way through Capaldi’s run, but from what I’ve heard they are still continuing to do the same.

  • I’m a big fan of Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor, particularly the last two seasons with Ace. I feel like the show was really catching it’s stride again and adding some mystery back to the character when the BBC pulled the plug. I’m not so crazy about his first season. Mel is high on my list of loathed and obnoxious companion (probably falling just after Peri and Jo Grant), and Delta and the Bannerman may be one of the worst things ever boadcast.

    I actually really love Patrick Troughton’s Second doctor. I wish they’d start releasing the First and Second Blu Rays, but I suspect they want to finish the awful reanimations of the lost episodes first (seriously, I appreciate the effort, but find them damned near unwatchable, I’d rather have the old quasi-legal telesnap reconstructions if I am being honest).

    I don’t love 5 or 6 or the latter Baker seasons, but I’m enough of a fan that I plan to buy them all as they come out, just to prevent them being entirely memory-holed.

  • I rather liked the updated version of *Dalek Invasion of Earth*, but the *Five Doctors* looked redonkulous.

  • Ken_Begg

    That does seem to be what they are doing with the Master. Only it’s Chibnall now, so I assume they’re doing it very, very poorly. You lasted longer than me, though. Although Capaldi represented about my perfect idea of a Doctor, the horrible scripts and the new need (along with making the Doctor into a sexual/romantic figure) to make him ‘cool’ was so awful I just dropped out. It was that episode where he goes to Medieval England and wails on his electric axe whilst wearing a long leather duster and sunglasses (at night) that did it. I was done. I haven’t heard much to make me think I should have rethought that decision.

  • Ken_Begg

    I haven’t seen a lot of Troughton’s era–I do remember getting so excited when they were able to put Web of Fear out and I could finally see the Yetis–so he’s probably the Doctor I’m most interested in catching up on. And yeah, the animations aren’t great. I get the idea, but the execution is a bit lacking.

  • I only made it longer because the mister was still interested enough to buy them as they came out, although I was done with it by the second or third Capaldi story, when it was clear that this was turning into “The Clara Show”. It only got worse from there and even Mr. GJ agreed that we weren’t going to keep paying for the weekly releases (no cable) when an episode included a minutes-long lecture literally on the evils of capitalism (while somehow equating what was essentially a company town with the free market).

    We figured if they hated capitalism that much they probably didn’t want any more of our filthy lucre going forward.

    My head canon is that the Doctor died of old age in Matt Smith’s last episode and the new cycle of regenerations and everything after is a dying hallucination, Conveniently it means that none of the complete demolition of the entire shows 50 plus years of canon actually happened and Bill Hartnell remains the first Doctor and an actual Time Lord.

  • Tomb of the Cybermen is about as good as Classic Who gets, and I just think the earliest Cyberman designs were so much scarier than the later ones with the all metal faces.

  • I’d go back to Tennant, myself. Nothing against Smith, but a lot of his stories are crap.

  • Tomb of the Cyberman is great. There’s an amusing little in-joke there (probably not intended) in which for once George Pastell is breaking into a tomb instead of trying to keep people out.

  • Ken_Begg

    “We figured if they hated capitalism that much they probably didn’t want any more of our filthy lucre going forward.”

    To be fair, they really don’t. They want mandatory ‘fees’ compelled by the government.

  • Ken_Begg

    I have seen that one, and it’s great. Sandy owns all the DVDs when that was the format, and I would usually watch a serial while he was working during the day.

  • Gamera977

    Well, I’m going though Doctor Who on DVD now and it seems kinda a mess. It’s another reason I haven’t picked the series up.

    Third Doctor: We have season 2 & 4.

    Fifth Doctor: 1, 3 & 7. Plus the Key to Time and E-Space story arches.

    Sixth Doctor: 2.

    I mean I guess it’s possible to piece together the series with individual episode DVDs but it just seems kinda a train wreck. Why can’t the BBC just put out the series season by season? Some might be out of print, but I checked Ebay and didn’t find any season long DVDs I couldn’t find anywhere else.

  • Ken_Begg

    Plus we have to re contextualize everything now that we know that the ‘Third’ Doctor and so on are actually the like 10,000th and something Doctor. I’m sure it will make it all a much richer experience.